EPISODE 451: Jack Malcolm’s Tips for Consultative Selling Success in Disruptive Times

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[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a replay of the Creativity in Sales  virtual learning session sponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Sales on August 14, 2020. It featured an interview with Jack Malcolm. Learn more about him, his books, and his services here.]

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Jack’s TIP: “I’m a huge believer in mindset. Consultative Selling starts with mindset but mindset is useless unless you do the things and you have the skills to be able to implement that mindset. So A) adopt a mindset but then B) it’s all about practice, practice, practice.”


Fred Diamond: Today it’s the Creativity in Sales webcast and we have the great Jack Malcolm. Jack, it’s great to see you here today. You’re one of the thought leaders in the consultative sales world, we’re going to find out how it’s pronounced in a minute, thanks for being with us today. Looking forward to hearing what you’re going to tell us.

Jack Malcolm: Fred, thanks so much for having me on, this is the title you’re going to see here: Consultative Selling in Disruptive Times. I think it’s really appropriate but I want to start out by saying that it’s almost a shame that I actually have to be speaking about this topic today. The reason I say that is that the term ‘consultative selling’ first came into the sales world 50 years ago this year. When I first heard that I was actually surprised that it was so long but it has been around for 50 year and as the 7th edition says, over a hundred thousand copies sold. The problem is, and the reason I say I shouldn’t have to be doing this, is that if everybody was doing this type of selling, you wouldn’t need me here today. I wouldn’t probably be able to make a living teaching what I teach because it’s such good ideas but very few people do it. 

Let me start out by saying what we’re going to talk about today, we want to understand consultative selling in disruptive times. I’ve got three main questions that I want to ask but one question before that – and I literally did not know the answer to this until about 15 minutes before this broadcast – is it [con-sul-ta-tive] selling or is it [con-sul-ta-tive] selling? I have been teaching this, I’ve been studying it for 30 years and I never even knew the answer until just about 15 minutes ago. It occurred to me that a friend of mine, Dave Brock, used to be a friend of Mack Hanan – Mack Hanan, the author of Consultative Selling actually died in 2010. I called Dave and I said, “What did Mack call it?” and he said that Mack called it [con-sul-ta-tive] selling so that is the official term, he’s the one that came up with it. So, from now on if there’s ever any question you can tell it you heard it from Jack who got it from Dave who originally heard it from Mack. 

Now, the three important questions that we want to talk about is what is it? Before I talk about why it’s important I need to define what consultative selling is, I need to define it because you’ll find that my definition probably accords with most of what you think about consultative selling. However, there may be some things that will challenge your thinking a little bit and in fact, that’s part of the process so I hope I do challenge you a little bit. Then we’ll get to the all-important question as to why is it so critical today. We’re obviously going through very disruptive times, why would we want to try to change things up in disruptive times? Why not just try to be safe and do things the way we’ve always done it? We’ll talk about why it’s important today and then we will also talk about how we do it, how do we change our approach so that we can be much more consultative with our customers or clients during this very disruptive period?

Let me talk first about what it is. First of all, when I do a sales training class I always ask, “How much do you guys add value to your customers?” and everybody always says, “Our most important asset is our people and we as salespeople are the most important asset of the company and we add value to our customers.” I say, “Wait a minute, how do you add value?” and I actually call this, “Are you value-able?” Not valuable, but are you value-able? Are you able to actually not only add value but as you’ll see in just a minute, create value for your customers? There’s three aspects to be value-able. The first one is the capability and that’s the capability that your company brings, it’s the capability of your products, your services, your solutions and everything. That’s not necessarily within your control as a salesperson but you’ve got to have some capability that you can sell to somebody so we’ll start with that. Where consultative selling truly comes in is in the ability to connect that capability to a specific outcome for your customers and as you’ll see in a little bit, those outcomes tend to be most powerful and most valuable to customers when you can express those in meaningful financial terms but there’s other ways that people look at outcomes. The essence of consultative selling is the ability to connect and then just hard on the heels of that is the ability to communicate. It’s one thing to know how to connect the value, it’s one thing to understand how your product or service impacts your customer’s company but you’ve also got to communicate it in such a way that it’s compelling to the customer. I like to say that if consultative selling was only about creating profits for your customers, then the accountants would be earning all the commission dollars. Obviously they’re not and that’s why they need us salespeople to be able to A) connect and B) communicate it properly. That is the essence of being value-able to your customers. 

Now, let me put consultative selling in the context of the other types of selling. In Mack Hanon’s book, he differentiates between consultative salespeople and what he calls vendors, it all seems like a derogatory term. I’m using his term because he came up with it just out of respect but I believe that there are differences between levels of vendors and then the highest level of sales which I call consultative selling. Here is what we look at, I call this the sales value pyramid and I say, “How do I create value for my customers?” In my 30 years of training B to B salespeople I’ve seen a gamut of salespeople and they tend to follow a pyramid shape. At the bottom you’ve got most of the salespeople who tend to do most of their selling basically trying to sell on price. They’re selling a commodity and most of their selling efforts are not actually selling a customer but they’re on selling their sales managers to why they need to shave some cost off or cut the price down in order to get this deal, it’s the only way we can do it. It’s a shame but after so many years, there are still so many salespeople that basically lead with price and they stop with price. I’m not going to spend much time on those because obviously nowadays as somebody said, “A dog with a note in his mouth can do this job” so we’re not adding a tremendous amount of value here.

The next level of value is the FAB sale. Most of you have probably heard of this term but FAB is Feature Advantage Benefit and that’s basically where you’re a product expert and you are describing your product, you are comparing it to alternatives that your customer might have and you’re showing the differences between yours and other competing alternatives and you’re connecting it to a benefit to the customer. You’re adding some value when you do this but in the old days when Mack first wrote this book, salespeople added a lot of value at this level because there was no such thing called the internet and salespeople had all the information. If a buyer wanted to know about your products, they had to speak to you. Nowadays they know about your product, they know about your competitor’s product probably more than you do so you’re not adding a ton of value here. 

The next level up we go to of course the solution sale. Solution sale is one of those terms that is also thrown around a lot without some people having a very clear understanding of what it means. They basically just slap the word ‘solution’ on their product and they don’t understand that the real issue is at this level, you need to become an expert in your customer’s problems. You also need to become an expert in your customer’s processes or their operations that they use to create value for their customers. Here this is all about the nuts and bolts, you’re almost like a mechanic at this level, you’re going in there and saying, “What problems do you have? Okay, let me tell you about my solution.” This is much more of a system sale, it requires much more understanding of how your customers do things on a daily basis figuring out ways to make it faster, better or cheaper. If you’re selling at the solution level, you’re adding a ton of value and you’ve got a lot to be proud of as a salesperson but of course, there’s one level higher which is the reason that we’re talking here and that is the consultative level.

You’ll notice that all these words start with the first two letters PR, price, product, problem or process, the next word that starts with PR is profit. At the consultative level you’re not only solving problems, you’re not only showing how to improve processes but you have an understanding of how your customer makes money, how your customer serves their customers and helps their customers make money. You have an understanding of their business strategies, you have an understanding of where they’re trying to go and you’re able to connect it to what the people at the higher levels are always thinking about and always concentrating on.

Fred Diamond: A couple interesting points that people are making here. One is the book’s been around for 50 years, as late as the 1980 census, if you were in sales there were three ways you could describe yourself: one was retail sales, two was as a peddler or three was as a huckster. If you think about this, the concept of what we call B to B and enterprise type selling that’s been brought to the market from some of the great companies like the Huthwaites and the Strategic Selling, Solution Selling, those have only been around for 50 somewhat years. The other thing that’s interesting too is a lot of people are new to sales. I’m looking at the people who are watching today’s webcast, I know at least half of the dozens of people on the show today watching today’s show are relatively new in their career so the concept on understanding this.

One thing that’s interesting about consultative and solution selling that I know you’re going to bring up over the course of the next 15-20 minutes is the fact that we’re in this really unique situation today as well. We’re in a situation where everybody is affected by COVID from the health, social interaction perspective, everybody is affected from the economic perspective as well. Then there’s the third thing, how are you affected on the third side? Really being profitable. The other PR word is proactive as it relates to consultative right now. Jack, I just wanted to throw that in there that because we’re in this unique situation right now we don’t have a year to convince our customer, our customer is dealing with ridiculous challenges right now, almost all of them. If they’re not, if they had a nice little runway they’re going to hit it soon because as we know, things aren’t going to just disappear maybe two months from now so it’s going to be an ongoing challenge for our customers. What can we bring them? What is that value-able we can bring them to be successful?

Jack Malcolm: You nailed something, you mentioned the word proactive which starts with PRO, and proactive is one of the points that I was going to bring up next so thanks for the segue here. There is a difference between consultative and the other three levels below, and the difference is that at the commodity, the FAB or the solution level it’s driven by the customer. The customer says, “I need a widget, can you give me your best price?” or the customer says, “I need a widget, can you tell me why your widget might be better than widget B?” or the customer says, “I’ve got a problem, can you tell me what the solution is?” At the profit level, you know your customer’s business well enough that you may actually be bringing solutions to problems that they don’t yet know they have, that’s proactive and that is the main difference. Now, there are costs and benefits and maybe one of the reasons why consultative selling hasn’t taken off like it probably should have is that it is hard work and as you can see here, first of all, these things are cumulative. You still need to know your product, you still need to know problems or processes to be able to sell profit, they’re cumulative so it requires a lot more knowledge. It requires more preparation on your point, it requires more learning and there’s also one thing, some people, especially people new to sales might find this surprising. If you are truly consultatively selling, how often do you suppose that your customer is going to have a budget for what you’re selling? Probably not very often because by definition, they haven’t thought about it so they haven’t budgeted for it. I tell people that if your customer doesn’t have a budget, that’s actually a good thing because if they have a budget then you have competition already because they’ve already started looking out at everybody else. What was the famous statistics going out that customers are 57 or 63% through their sales process before they contact you? The problem is once that happens, you’re not being proactive, you’re being reactive and then you’re playing somebody else’s game when that happens.

Fred Diamond: Neil from New Jersey says, “Professional, productive, proficient.” I didn’t know there were so many words we could use in the course of my future titles for the webcast [laughs].

Jack Malcolm: Neil, you just took the prize. I was saving one of those words for my wrap up and that is professional. One of my pet things besides consultative selling is sales professionalism and Neil, you nailed it because this is what it takes to be a professional. To me, a professional is somebody who does their best work in the service of customers so what this requires, of course, is that you need to be creative. Not only proactive but you need to be creative to create value so this isn’t add-value, this is create-value at this level. What you want to do is you want to race to the top and I’m not saying that you can only sell consultatively and go in there and if the customer says, “I’ve got a problem” say, “No, I don’t want to hear about it, let me tell you about some other thing.” I’m not talking about that. Many times your customers may come with a pretty clear idea of what they want already and that’s fine, you can give them maybe 80% of what they want but you might then say, “But have you also thought about this?” or, “You may want to consider this angle” or something like that. You’re not only adding value and being reactive, you’re creating value for your customers. 

Some other differences in consultative selling is #1, I get the customer thinking about not, “What does it cost?” to buy my solution but, “What’s the investment?” because the investment obviously then says that there is a return. If you are talking to people who have a budget, once they have a budget it’s like that’s a bucket of money that I don’t want somebody to take away from me so that’s a cost anytime I’m talking to you. If I want to get you to think about an investment I’ve got to think consultatively so I’m not going to be focused on my product or service, I want to be outcome-focused. I like to tell salespeople, “Leave the product in the car, don’t go in there and lead off with the product, lead off with what’s important to the customer.” Don’t go in there thinking, “What can I sell?” but, “How can I help this customer?” Don’t go in there thinking about, “How do I slice this pie in my sales negotiation?” but, “How do I make the pie bigger so that both sides win on this?”

This next last one is also sometimes surprising. I say, “Don’t sell people what they want, sell them what they need.” Sometimes what they want is right in line with what they need but sometimes they don’t know enough about the solution or the situation that they’re in to know what their need is. It’s like if I went to the doctor and I said, “I need a prescription for this, this and this” and the doctor said, “No, actually let me examine you first. No, what you really need is this.” I’d be pretty stupid not to take that advice, so sell them what they need. I like to compare, sometimes consultative you’re more of a doctor than a pharmacist, you’re not selling the pill, you’re selling the health outcome and then of course add value versus create.

Fred Diamond: A question here comes in from Susanne, Susanne is in Northern Virginia and she asks, “Can you talk about preparation a little more? How can I really be prepared?” Thank you, Susanne. It’s an interesting question because again, we’re doing a webcast every single day and there’s a lot of words that keep coming up. We talked about professional on the previous slide, now sales professionals are really being tasked with being professionals because for the first time in history like we mentioned, everybody is dealing with the same thing. It’s the whole ramifications of the economic issues with COVID, forgetting about the health for a second. You have to know as a professional the value that you can be bringing and we’re hearing more and more people like yourself and people we have every single day talking about that. You said, “How can I help?” I would say that it’s even like, “Here’s how I can help” because we should know if we’re a professional, your customer is dealing with this, this and this. We know what they’re dealing with, it’s not like, “Are you trying to grow? Are you trying to expand into new markets?” There might have been other challenges prior to March 15th. Right now the challenge for everybody on the planet in business is, “How do I get past the economic challenges and health challenges related to COVID?” Back to Susanne’s question, what’s some of your advice on how sales professionals can more effectively prepare to bring those types of value to the customer?

Jack Malcolm: That’s a great question, Susanne, because obviously this requires more work on your part, it requires preparation. Every message has to be customized to this specific customer. Product selling is like sending out a love letter addressed, “To whom it may concern.” This is about knowing the customer and being prepared not only to show how you can help them but actually to ask better questions so that you can jointly collaborate to do that and that actually takes me to my next slide here. Why is consultative selling so appropriate right now? First, to answer Susanne’s question, what is a better time for professional growth? If you’re like most salespeople that I know, you’re not traveling to customer locations for face-to-face meetings. All that time that you are saving, you should be using that to make sure you’re better prepared. In other words, trade drive time or fly time for preparation time and I’ll talk a little bit about some of the specifics about what you need to prepare for but obviously you need to know a lot about the customer and their business, you need to know about their industry and you need to know about the specific function that they deal with. 

Fred Diamond: It’s interesting that prior to the pandemic we already began to see a segmentation in sales professionals and the bottom line, the entry-level type of price or appointment schedule, if you will. Now, I think this is really going to be the time where sales professionals will either sink or swim because we know what your customers need, so I’m anxious to hear how you’re going to be talking about that.

Jack Malcolm: I like the way you put that. One analogy that comes to mind is the cream rises to the top and I’m going to give a historical analogy here for a second, I’m a history buff in my personal life. If you recall, the renaissance was one of the times in history where there was just a burst of creative genius in the world. What a lot of people don’t realize is this actually happened when there was a lot of trouble, a lot of change, a lot of disruption going on in the Italian city states. They were at war with each other, people were dying, there was plague, there were all kinds of things yet despite all the problems or maybe because all the problems, you have one of the most creative periods in history. I believe that everybody right now is scrambling to figure out how to improve their business, maybe even how to stay alive so creativity is absolutely the word of the day for everybody. There is a need for creativity and consultative is creative. I just came up with that, I think I may have to trademark it.

Fred Diamond: I just trademarked you, you’re too late, I’m sorry.

Jack Malcolm: Okay, you beat me to it [laughs] but there is a need for change right now. Second is that there is openness to change. There is a psychological difference because in the old days, one of the costs of consultative selling was if you went into somebody and they had an idea about how things had to go and then you came up with a fresh idea, it takes time for people and people don’t like change, there’s a risk to change. Right now, though, I think people are a lot more open to change because of the fact that they know that they need it. When people are thrown off by their equilibrium, this is a time they’re going to be much more open so it’s not only more necessary now but it’s actually easier for you to do. And you’ve got time not only to prepare but in some of the things that I will recommend and share with you, you’ve got time to elevate your game, and what better time to do it than now? There’s that old saying that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. If we’re in a crisis, let’s go ahead and come out of this stronger than we went in, otherwise we’re wasting the crisis. I think that is the answer as to why now, I would love to entertain any other suggestions anybody might have as we go, but that’s why I think it’s so important.

Fred Diamond: Let’s talk about the word ‘professional’ for a moment or two. Let’s talk about what it means to be a professional right now because it’s interesting. We’ve been doing daily webcasts for sales professionals and there was a three, four, five month period where there weren’t a whole lot of transactions happening especially in certain markets. If you served the entertainment market or the leisure market or hospitality, you weren’t selling a whole lot, there weren’t a whole lot of transactions happening. But if you’re still a sales professional there are things that you could be doing, you could be empathetic, you could build your knowledge base of your customer’s market, you could track your customer’s market and where it was going, you could also become a better presenter. On Tuesday with our Women in Sales webcast, Gina Stracuzzi is going to be hosting a show with the great Julie Hansen who’s going to help you figure out ways to be more of a better presenter. One of them I learned from her is using your hands on screen, she talked about how you want to move your hands. What do you think it means to be a sales professional right now? 

Jack Malcolm: What it means to be a sales professional is #1 what I already said, to be a professional in any profession is to do your best work in service of clients. It’s not about making the money, it’s not about making the commission bucks, that will come. It’s about doing your honest best effort to make the customer better off even if in some cases it’s to tell them that maybe they need to stick with what they already have or to buy a competitor’s solution. That is one thing. The second thing is professions have a professional body of knowledge, sales doesn’t really have a professional body of knowledge, you don’t go to sales school to do the same thing that you do as you’d go to law school or to med school. But there is a professional body of knowledge that you truly need to have which I’ll get into in just a second. Doing your best work, professional body of knowledge and continuous learning and growth because as things change, you’ve got to change with them because your customers are looking or need some leadership.

Fred Diamond: Darren says, “I love making the customer better off.” At the end of the day if you’re going to be successful you are making a lot of customers better off, especially right now. Again, we’re doing today’s show August 21st, tough time for a lot of companies out there. I think if you think about that, Jack, we all think about value and value-able like you talked in the beginning, I love the way you just said that. Are you making your customers better off? That could be your mantra, you could keep thinking about that every morning. How am I going to help my customers be better off than they were today? I think you’re going to be hugely successful. I love that, Jack, that’s good stuff.

Jack Malcolm: When they hang up that phone or flick off that Zoom call, do they have a smile or do they have maybe a little bit more hope or do they have some excitement about what they can do? Do they have a clearer picture of what some of the next steps are? I like the way you put that and I like the way Darren put it.

Fred Diamond: You’re actually the one who said it, by the way, he was just reiterating what you said so good for you, keep going, this is great stuff. 

Jack Malcolm: This slide probably requires some explanation. The best consultative salesperson is the one who can help solve the elephant challenge and the elephant challenge goes back to an old story about the find blind men and the elephant. Each one of them comes up and encounters and elephant, they encounter a different part of the elephant. One encounters the tail and said, “An elephant is like a rope.” One touches the tusk and says, “An elephant is like a spear.” One touches the elephant’s side and says, “An elephant is like a wall.” One touches the leg and says, “An elephant is like a tree trunk” and so on. If you think of your customers, the people you’re dealing with in an organization especially in uncertain times, they have a pretty narrow view of their job, their key performance indicators, their problems but it takes somebody at the high level to be able to see the whole thing. You would think that maybe the C-level people in your customer’s organizations would be at that high level but they’re not because they can’t see some of the stuff on the bottom. You actually have a great opportunity as a salesperson, and this should give you confidence going in there, that you know more about not how to improve their business in general but about that one narrow slice. You are so well-prepared that you know more about how to improve their business than anybody in that organization, you solve the elephant challenge for them, you bring everything together. When you’re doing that, you’re creating value because what you’re doing is you’re helping people communicate, you’re creating that word that consultants love to use, synergies, and you’re doing that because you’re pulling people together. 

So what does it take? Very quickly because I know we don’t have a whole lot of time. To sell solutions you need to first understand the problems, pretty obvious but a lot of people seem to forget this step. To sell profits, you need to truly understand the strategic and financial problems that your customer is facing and understand the impact that you have on the customer’s business. What it takes, what Susanne asked about preparation earlier, Susanne, at the general level you need to have a familiarity and a comfort level with understanding general business. You don’t need an MBA, you should be well-versed in basic economics, supply and demand, how companies make money, how they create value for their customers, some of the language of business, understand the business climate and what’s going on here. Just become a student of business because you’re helping people improve business. 

At the next level up is understand the industry that you play in. This isn’t for everybody who’s listening because some of you sell something that cuts across various industries but that actually just makes it harder for you, you should still know about some of the industry challenges of the people you’re facing. If you’re in a vertical, it becomes much easier but understand who the main players are, understand some of the key trends, understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, understand value chain dynamics is just a fancy way of saying, “How do they make money and how do they make money for their customers, how do they create value?” Because the more you understand that, the more you can find little ways that you can leverage, that you can make what seems like small differences but can have a huge impact. 

At the company level if you’re calling on a customer you may not know this right upfront but to the extent that you can do some of the research and preparation beforehand, understand their vision and mission, their strategies and their initiatives, what are the critical success factors they face, how are they doing financially? This scares salespeople a little bit, “I became a salesperson so I didn’t have to take accounting in college.” Don’t worry, I have a solution for that at the end here, that’ll be my sales pitch to you. I’m leaving the product in the car for now but it is coming, don’t worry. This is what it takes at the company level, you need to read the annual report for your customers. Some of you might say, “Wait a minute, I’m selling to a private company, they don’t publish an annual report.” That’s fine, they probably compete with a company that is public so read that company’s annual report and you’re going to find a lot of the same issues, a lot of the same questions and everything in there and it’s going to earn you a tremendous amount of credibility when you speak to anybody at the company level. 

At the process level, this is the stuff that mostly you probably know already, this is your own internal training that’s going to help you understand those processes, how to take constraints out of it, improve linkages, take out inputs, improve outputs and so on. Then of course at an individual opportunity level this all funnels down to what are the outcomes the customer needs to make this project or this investment a success? What are the needed outcomes, what stands in their way? This is an acronym that I use, I call it POCR like poker chips – Problems, Opportunities, Changes or Risks. These are where you need to become an expert in your customer’s business, what problems, opportunities, changes or risks and then with your financial and consultative knowledge, can you quantify that? Can you put a cost on that problem? That is one of the best things that Mack Hanon did in his book, he called it Profit Improvement Proposals and he said basically the more you can put a number on it, the more real it is and the more credibility that you have. 

I think that pretty much takes me to where I wanted to go on this, just a couple of things that I want to leave you with is always be learning, that’s the thing about being a professional, always putting your best self together and your best self is not as good as your best self is going to be tomorrow and next week and the week after that if you’re always learning. In terms of always be learning, two recommendations I have for you and here comes the product pitch: buy these two books. Consultative Selling, I’ve talked about, I purposely have not mentioned my own book because I want to make this more about the idea of consultative selling but I wrote a book called Bottom Line Selling and I believe that it actually picks up where Mack Hanon leaves off. I’m not saying that in criticism, he was the first and he’s still the best at a lot of this but he doesn’t give you the nuts and bolts of how to read your customer’s financial statements, how to use that language, how to put together a financial proposal, how to understand return on investment, internal rate of return, net present value and all those things.

I teach a course called Selling Profits, Not Products, it’s based on this book and several people in my class have told me it’s like an MBA in a day because it’s an MBA but for salespeople. If you have any questions, you can find it on Amazon, Bottom Line Selling. If you have any other questions, you want to talk to me about ways that maybe I can help you or your sales force improve your consultative selling skills, just visit jackmalcolm.com, you’ll have a way to contact me from there and you’ll see some of the other work that I do.

Fred Diamond: That’s how we actually learned about you a couple years ago was with Bottom Line Selling. The sales professionals right now that are taking it to the next level, again, everybody at your customer location is struggling with financial challenges because of all the economic fallout of this. As a professional, if you can get better at speaking in that language, you can be so much more successful. Jack, I want to thank you again for being on the Creativity in Sales webcast, you mentioned creativity a lot, that’s why we’ve been calling this webcast from the moment the pandemic kicked in the Creativity in Sales webcast. Jack, we’re doing a webcast just on mindset. Prior to the pandemic, the IES was doing an in-person live event every week anywhere from 10 to 500 people, one Friday in October we would do a show on mindset. Now we’re doing a webcast every single week, Thursday 2:00 o’clock Eastern time just on mindset. 

Jack, thank you once again so much. Give us a final thought, give us an action step for all the people watching today’s webcast to take their sales to the next level. We already got, “Buy Bottom Line Selling” so we’re good with that, give them one of your mantras that they can walk off with.

Jack Malcolm: I had already given my final thought earlier in answer to a question so let me just repeat it but put it in better terms. You talked about mindset, I’m a huge believer in mindset. Consultative Selling starts with mindset but mindset is useless unless you do the things and you have the skills to be able to implement that mindset. So A) adopt a mindset but then B) it’s all about practice, practice, practice.

Fred Diamond: Jack, thank you so much. Neil says, “Thank you so much, Jack.” Gina says, “Thank you so much, Jack.” Deborah says, “Great job.” Thank you all for watching today’s webcast and thanks again to the great Jack Malcolm, the author of Bottom Line Selling. Jack, thank you so much, have a great weekend, everybody.

Transcribed by Mariana Badillo

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