EPISODE 608: Developing a Powerful Money Mindset for Sales Success with Sarah Walton

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Today’s show featured an interview with Sarah Walton, the host of The Game on Girlfriend Podcast.

Find Sarah on LinkedIn.

SARAH’S TIP:  “What I’d love you to do is I want you to think if this year was so shockingly abundant that you blew your own mind, just, “Holy cannoli, oh my gosh, I did it,” the question is one, what would’ve happened and who would you have become to cause that to happen? Those are the two questions out of that. I want you to think about that woman, what you just wrote down, what would’ve happened and who would you have become, and I want you to think about that woman, the woman who caused this year to be the most abundant year you have ever had. When you think about her, I want you to ask her, “What three actions do I need to take today?” Another way to ask that is, “What did she do to get there?”


Gina Stracuzzi: Today we’re celebrating International Women’s Day, I’m super excited to have my guest, Sarah Walton on with me. She’s a really energetic and intuitive leader and coach, and a sales expert. She’s a perfect guest for today. Welcome. I know that you are an intuitive business coach, which I love, because one of the forum sessions is about using your intuition and trusting it in leadership. Really, I can’t wait to dive into this. Welcome and tell us a little bit about yourself, if you will.

Sarah Walton: It’s such a joy to be here with you, especially on International Women’s Day. Thank you for having me. My story’s a little bit long, so I’m going to make it as brief as possible. But what I’ll tell you is that I was raised very poor just outside of Salt Lake City. I knew from the age of five I wanted to dance. That’s all I wanted. At age 16, I was able to try out for the high school dance team, which was the dream. It was such a big deal. I made the team and I was so excited and I had worked so hard to get on the team. Then I got the letter in the mail that says, “Congratulations, welcome. Here’s how much your jacket costs. Here’s how much your shoes cost. Here’s how much the costumes cost.” Gina, I don’t know if you’ve ever had one of those moments where you hover above your body and watch yourself go through something, but that’s what this was like. I watched myself have this experience of just seeing this dream I’d had since forever disappear. It was just going to vanish right in front of my eyes because there’s no way we could afford to do this.

I went and got a job at the mall, and for those of you that don’t know what a mall is, just think Stranger Things [laughs]. I got a job at a cart selling tchotchkes nobody needed, but it was the ‘80s, so it was cool. I sold a whole bunch of stuff. We had so much fun. Then I went to go get my check cashed. Now, at the time, I didn’t have a bank account, so we went to the grocery store, which at that time there was a service desk in grocery stores where you could get your check cashed. I’m walking into the grocery store with my mom and my younger brother, and as we’re walking into the store, my mom says, “Sarah, can we get the strawberries? They’re on sale.” I’m like, “Oh my goodness.” I’m thinking of my costumes, it was just the deposit for my costumes. I’m thinking about the strawberries. I’m like, “Yes, we can do both.”

I go to get my check cashed, she goes to get the strawberries, and once I have the money in my hand, I walk over to the express lane to find my mom and my younger brother, and they’re not there. I’m starting to get a little nervous, and I walk up and down and I see them in line with a cart full of groceries. It is milk, it’s my brother’s favorite breakfast cereal, it’s lunch meat, it’s his favorite breads, the strawberries. I’m thinking, “She can’t buy those. She cannot afford those. I can either pay for these groceries or I can pay for something I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember, but I cannot do both.”

At that moment at 16, my little brain made a decision and told me I could never take care of my family and take care of myself. I lived my whole life out of that moment of just this idea that I couldn’t possibly do both. There was no way, there’s not enough money. You can’t do that. What happened is I went to UCLA, I was the first woman to graduate from college in my family. I moved to New York City. I’ve got this amazing corporate job. I’m making all this money, and my family’s great, and I’m miserable. Why? Because I decided I couldn’t take care of my family and take care of myself.

Here I was living out that belief I had picked up at the age of 16, and I remember I had a moment in my office where I was like, “This is not what my life is for. I’m not doing this anymore.” I could hear the clock ticking in the background in my office, and I’m like, “That’s a second I don’t get back. That’s a second I don’t get back,” and I got up and quit. That was the day that my business started. I had all this business acumen, all of these things I’d learned, and I decided there were not enough women in the room with me. Every time it was me and maybe the head of HR was a woman, and that was it. I took all that knowledge and decided to teach other women how to make their lives really, really happy by making a lot of money using their gifts, their talents, and their expertise.

Gina Stracuzzi: Wow. What a story. A perfect story for International Women’s Day, because, perhaps not to the degree that you experienced it, but that scarcity mindset, that it’s either I take care of my family, maybe it’s children now, or I give myself what I need. Too many of us have lived in that same closed mindset that you shed for far too long. Oh my God, I have goose bumps. This is just awesome. Believe me, to a small degree, I know what you felt in those moments. There were seven of us, and I wanted to do Girl Scouts, and my father’s like, “I’m not paying that. I got nine mouths to feed. No.” I was crushed because I really wanted to do that. It didn’t affect me the way it did you, because at that point I think I was eight, but good for you.

Sarah Walton: You remember.

Gina Stracuzzi: You still remember those things. Absolutely you do. From that humble but powerful beginning. I love this, that you have been on the Today Show and that you speak at women’s conferences all over the world. You’re the voice behind the Game On Girlfriend Podcast. Sarah Uncut, I love that TV show on YouTube, and Coffee with the Coach. Tell us about those and tell us about who you work with, especially as it applies to women in sales, because that’s where I work, that’s my little slice of heaven. I want to hear how you help women in sales.

Sarah Walton: Gina, forgive me, I just realized I might have left the listeners hanging. I’m so sorry. I do this sometimes. Everybody goes, “But what did you do? Did you buy the groceries or did you buy your costume?” I forget to answer that sometimes. I’m so sorry. Everybody, you can breathe. I bought the groceries, and then side note, my best friend’s mom heard what had happened and she ended up buying my costumes for me. Gina, I’ve been in business for 13 years, and I’ve been sharing this story because people always say, “Why do you do this? This is such hard work.” I’m like, “I love it because-” I got to tell this story, I held a conference in 2019 in Salt Lake City, and I got to bring her up on the stage with me and say, “By the way, you guys, you’ve all heard about the woman who bought my costumes, and here she is,” it’s going to make me cry. It was so amazing. She passed away in 2020. It was this special moment that I got to bring her up on stage with me.

I don’t know, Gina, if you guys go through this, all of you in sales, this idea that sometimes we share our stories and we share them so much, they can seem distant or we’ll forget that that really happened. To have her on stage with me at a moment when I’m sharing it, it just made it all really click, even for me. The humility to be like, “God, this really happened. This was a real thing.” Sometimes I think we can forget that. I just wanted to add that in in case anyone was like, “What did you do?” It’s happened before. I apologize for that. Back to what I do and who I work with.

I really love working with empowered women. I have obviously one-on-one coaching is what I love to do. I really, really love to do that. But lately there’s been a demand on Sarah Walton that I’ve answered and I love it so much. That’s my yearlong Abundance Academy. This is really a yearlong program for women to integrate and understand the skill of abundance, and I call it that, the skill of viewing your entire life through the lens of abundance. It’s not positive thinking woo-woo, it’s actually grounded in like, what do you want? How is this happening and what’s real in your life right now? I started to create this because I have a six month sales mastermind for people who are starting a business or just starting out, they’re not quite your sales experts that are listening. They’re like, “Oh my gosh, how do I do this?” I started teaching that skill and it was so great and everybody loved it, but then they were like, “But I need more. I need to implement this for a whole year. I need to understand how to grow. If I’ve hit my first million, now what do I do and how do I enhance that?”

That has just become the absolute love of my work, is watching women pop what’s next for them in a way that’s real and doable and feels congruent, and the fact that they’re in a group program, so there’s more than one person telling them what to do. I love one-on-one coaching and it’s great, but there’s something so powerful about having other people around going, “Oh my God, that happened to me last week,” or whatever. You’re just getting that camaraderie, because you can’t always go talk to your friends about this at dinner. You’re like, “You guys, I had the worst sales call.” They’re like, “I don’t care.” Meanwhile, you’re with somebody else who’s like, “Oh my God, me too. Tell me, talk to me. Let’s figure this out together.” It’s just such a special relationship.

Gina Stracuzzi: It is, and we see that a lot in the forum too. Really, there’s such power in knowing that you’re not alone in this situation. Then having someone who fully gets it, and you can have that conversation, because as you say, even if you have somebody that’s willing to listen to you, but they don’t know what it’s like because that’s not their world, it’s not the same. It’s a good sounding board and maybe you find out something by telling the story, you’re like, “Wait, I could have done this.” There is something about that shared experience that is so incredibly powerful. I absolutely agree. I love it.

One of the things that we asked you when we booked you for the program was, what do you want to talk about? You were saying, why does sales feel so gross sometimes and how do we change that for good? As far as sales has come, and when I first got out of college, if you couldn’t find anything else to do, any other job, you went into sales. That is so not the case. I see now what women are making and I think, “Why didn’t I stick with it?” It’s a different world completely. It’s not this gross thing. Yet there is that holdover sometimes and it’s more our own mindset. I have a feeling that that’s exactly what you’re talking about, how do we get rid of that grossness once and for all. Tell us a little bit, especially how it applies to women.

Sarah Walton: Heavens, yes. Just hang on to your hats and glasses, because this is about to get fun. Here’s the deal. Men very rarely feel that way about sales. Almost never. I can pick any client I’ve worked with who’s launched a business and gone through this and I’ll say, “Do your male colleagues struggle with asking for what they think their hourly rate is?” Or what a program, pick a thing, right? They’re like, “No, they never do.” I’m like, “Yeah.” That is by design. Happy International Women’s Day. That feeling that we have around money as women specifically is by design.

Now, when I say that, there’s not some big bad with a clipboard going, “Yeah, let’s forget all the women.” That’s not exactly the way this happened. But we have to recognize that any institution that existed probably before 1975 was built for white men. I’m not trying to start a political conversation. They were the ones with the money and they were in charge and they ran stuff and they built everything to work for them. Let’s just be logical for a second. That makes sense. That’s why there’s such a change now. It’s like, but that’s not the case. They’re not the only ones with the money and they’re not the only ones in charge, so wait a second, this isn’t working. There is that feeling and what we have to understand as women, these numbers make me crazy, but we couldn’t have our own credit card until 1976. We could not have our own mortgages without a man’s signature until 1976. You guys, I was one. I’m a hundred years old, I know, but that is not that long ago. This is in my lifetime we were not allowed to handle money.

We have to understand there’s a residual effect to that. We were supposed to be handed from father to husband. By the way, they had to give the dude money to take us, but we never saw it. We weren’t supposed to touch it. We’re not supposed to handle it. What came out of that is this weird stuff we saw in the ‘80s. I’m going to talk about the Terminator movie. I know, I’m 300 years old, but in the Terminator movie, there’s always these little drops in the dialogue from the mom. Her name just fell out of my head. I think her name is Sarah, funny enough. But that character who’s trying to protect her son from the terminator coming to harm him, she’s like, “I can’t even balance a checkbook, let alone-” It’s like, “Oh dear.”

That was still happening in the ‘80s, that women would talk like that in a blockbuster movie that everyone is going to see. Even though she’s a badass, and she’s got the muscles, and she’s taking on a freaking machine, “I can’t balance my checkbook.” That whole persona, that idea that women cannot deal with money is still with us. It’s different but now it shows up in ways like, “Sales is gross. I don’t want to be salesy.” I’m not saying if you say that in your head, you’re being like that. What I’m saying is you were handed that belief. It’s not actually yours. It gets perpetuated with things we hear like, “Oh my God, you’re so pushy.”

Even today a woman is not supposed to be assertive in any way. There’s still some of that hanging around us and it’s getting better every single day. But on International Women’s Day, when we’re recording this, I want to get one of those blow horns and really yell this out. You guys, it’s not your fault. It is by design that you think you can’t be good at this. It is by design that you think you can’t make as much money as your male colleagues. It’s by design that you think there’s something wrong with you that you have ambition, or you want money, or you want to make more money. No, no, no. All of that is a lie and it is hanging on from like June Cleaver in 1950. We are going to love her up and send her on her way and start dealing with the truth and the reality, which actually is women are phenomenal with money. We are freaking amazing. We are so good at making it.

I think the mothers alone, not even women, the mothers alone in the United States of America are responsible for $2.1 trillion in sales. 2.1 trillion that we are pushing around the planet because we make the financial decisions in the household. That is larger than the gross domestic product of Italy. That’s just the moms, that’s not all women. We would need to understand, we’re really, really good at it. Anytime you hear that voice come up, anytime you start to feel like, “Oh,” recognize that’s not actually you. The reason that that is so important is we humans have a need. It’s not a nice to have, it’s not like only some people have it. It is a need. Every single human being you’ve ever seen in your life has it. You have it, I have it. We all have it. That need is to act consistently with how we view ourselves.

The reason it’s so important you set that belief, or that thought, or that whiny thing aside is because it’s not you. The more you can recognize that and you can start to view yourself as someone who’s excellent with money, someone who really takes care of their money, somebody who helps people with their money, someone who’s so great at earning money and ethical and with so much integrity and heart, if you start to view yourself that way, you cannot but help act in a consistent manner with that view. It’s impossible. This is why these thoughts, these ideas that are coming at you from the 1950s, we need to recognize that’s where they’re coming from and they are not you.

Gina Stracuzzi: It’s very true. It’s interesting because all of those dynamics played out in my family, and I’m sure they played out in yours and many others too. But what was interesting, even though my father would not let my mother take care of anything, he always taught my sister and I like, “Don’t ever take crap from a man and be in charge of yourself and your finances,” which is really interesting. But he couldn’t pull himself away from imagining that his wife could do it too. I don’t know what that’s all about, but it’s so interesting because we do carry those things with us and they are such an instinctive part of us that we don’t even know when they’re in play.          That is, to your point, what really shuts us down when we don’t even realize like, “Why did I just say that?” Or, “Why didn’t I fight harder for that?” Or, “Why did I just let that sale walk away? Because I didn’t push harder.” Those are the things that are at play, because there’s still that, “Don’t take up too much room. Don’t be too loud.” Obviously you and I never got that message about being too loud or too out there, but that’s okay because we’re still making our way [laughs]. I loved all of that.

Let’s talk a little bit on that same level why women are so good at sales. Because that’s in direct competition with our last thought. We’ve got these forces pushing against us that say don’t talk about money. That’s kind of an icky thing. That’s a man’s thing. But we are damn good at sales and really outnumber the men all the time. I have a lot of sales directors or VPs of sales that are men that will tell me the same thing. It’s not like it’s a hidden fact.

Sarah Walton: Nope. It’s real.

Gina Stracuzzi: Why are we so good at it?

Sarah Walton: Well, it’s a double-edged sword, in my opinion. You guys, anytime I talk, just pretend there’s a big banner above my head that said, “This is not the truth. This is Sarah Walton’s opinion.” But here’s my take on this, Gina, and I think I’m right, but we’ll see. There is a great term, it’s called high-functioning codependence. It was not coined by me. There’s a psychologist in New York City named Terri Cole and she wrote a book called Boundary Boss, which is an excellent book. In that book that’s where that phrase came from. It’s called high-functioning codependence. It speaks actually, Gina, to what you were just saying, like, be a little softer, be a little quieter. It’s this idea that we as women, because we are so high-functioning, we can do it all. We’ve all done it. You pick up your phone and you’re like, “Hey, can you get the chicken out of the oven? Did you get that thing? Did you send that email? Yeah, I got it. The guy’s coming later for the contract? Yeah, no problem. Okay. Yeah, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” We do this all day. We do it all the time, and that’s because we’re so high-functioning. There’s actually a physiological reason for that in our brain. We have more connective tissue between the right and left brain so we can really fire literally on all cylinders.

But what happens is, when we’re little, we are taught that our emotions or our needs are troublesome to others. It starts with very small things like, “Don’t cry. Where’s my pretty girl?” Or the famous one, men, “You’d be so much prettier if you smile.” I am not here to please you. I’m sorry that you think that, I don’t want to smile right now. But do you get that idea, that constant message we have that how you are behaving or how you’re feeling is making me uncomfortable? “I’m sorry you want to cry. Please don’t cry. It’s making all of us uncomfortable.”

What we learned very early on is that our feelings do not matter as long as everyone else is okay. I promise I’m getting to why this makes us so great at sales, because one of the skills that comes from that is being able to read a room. We can read a room and see what people need, because that’s what we were taught to do. What we want to make sure we do as sales experts is see all of that and make sure we never sell out on ourselves at the same time. Because high-functioning codependence has two pieces.

The codependence piece is we get rewarded for betraying ourselves. One of the phrases I hate the most is, “Oh my gosh, she’s so selfless. Isn’t she wonderful?” I’m like, “You literally just said she has no self. That’s what we are rewarding, is she’s completely given up on herself so everyone else is taken care of and that’s what we’re applauding? Holy cannoli.” We get rewarded and that makes the codependence piece that we fall into of like, “I’m going to betray my own needs because everyone else needs something.”

In sales we can pull on that skillset that we’ve learned as long as we don’t betray ourselves while we’re doing it. This is why women are so good at sales, is we don’t like to betray ourselves. We’ve been taught to and we get rewarded for it, but in a sales conversation, we love integrity, we don’t like to hurt people. It’s in our DNA not to hurt others. That combination of being able to read people’s needs and having our own integrity to take care of others, that is a gorgeous combination for sales because you learn to see what people need and discuss that with them and talk to them about that and then offer them a solution that’s actually real.

Gina Stracuzzi: I think every woman has felt that. They probably don’t have the words or the why as to why they’re feeling it, why they’re thinking it, and what the heck to do about it. That might be a great next question. If you feel those things tugging at you, that little voice that you may or may not hear, but it’s still playing, what do you do? How do you fight it?

Sarah Walton: That’s such a great question. The first thing you do is ask yourself what you need. The very first thing. When you start to feel, “Oh my god, they need me..” Or, “I’m not doing this right.” Those sorts of things start to come in, that usually only can happen when you’re empty. I’m not going to tell you to keep your cup full, but at the same time, keep your cup full [laughs]. You know what I mean? It’s like, “Come on you guys, we got to take care of ourselves.” There’s an acronym that I have found to be super helpful. I think it came from actually Alcoholics Anonymous, where they’re helping people stay out of using, is like, how do you know when you’re in danger of using? For us as codependents, how are we in danger of about to do these things that we’ve been programmed to do? It’s HALT. We know we’re in danger when we are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, HALT. Isn’t that great?

Gina Stracuzzi: I’m just thinking most women feel those emotions 10 times a day, sometimes all at once, because it can be very lonely even if you’re surrounded by people. That is super powerful.

Sarah Walton: Right. You’re going to hear that voice, that voice can only come in and start to tell you to betray yourself or do something dumb, or maybe reach a little far, do something outside of integrity, or drop what you’re doing even though it’s your biggest sale of the year because someone needs their laundry done, pick a thing. You hear that, that can only come in when one of the HALTs is at play. I’ve really found that to be true. The honest answer is take really good care of yourself.

I have almonds at my desk almost all the time. My meals are pre-done, not because I’m so super fancy, but if I don’t, I’ll be starving by the end of the day. I’m talking to clients, I’m teaching classes, I’m on podcasts, I’m doing the thing, and it’s 5:00 and I’m about to eat my right foot. That’s not okay. We need to take care of these things, and it’s when we don’t, that’s when we can find ourselves in trouble. If you start to hear that voice, ask yourself, “Am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?” and address that need, then go back into what you were doing and see if you can’t come on it standing strong on both feet, and you usually will.

Gina Stracuzzi: The lonely one it’s a little harder to fix in the moment. It’s really even more devastating I think for women who are surrounded by so many people who need them and still feel really lonely. The saying is it’s lonely at the top. Well, mom is the top of the food chain, or even if you don’t have children, you might have parents that are in need, or pets, or an overly needy husband, who knows.

Sarah Walton: Where all of a sudden you find you need to dust the console. Pick a thing, it really does happen. I would say, Gina, I think you’ve really nailed it there, that is toughest. One of the things I advise people to do is with a close friend, someone you trust, and I would definitely say pick another woman. If you are a mom, pick a mom. If you’re not, don’t, you know what I mean? Because single women or women who are married without kids, they have their group too, and it’s really important that we support each other in that. Have a phrase.

I have one with one of my best friends, like, “I’m on my knees.” That’s all I have to say and the deal is she’ll stop what she’s doing and either think of me or send me good vibes or whatever, but it has me know I’m not alone, and I do the same for her. If you have the power of prayer or you believe in that, whatever works for you that you guys agree on, what’s so great is the other person doesn’t have to stop what they’re doing. Because we know we can’t always jump on the phone or text back, but you know now somebody else knows and they’re thinking of you. That alone can be so super helpful, especially with the lonely.

Gina Stracuzzi: I think that is something else we do to ourselves that we don’t want to bother people. I love my friend, but she’s got all this stuff too. Sometimes it helps us as well when someone takes us out of our momentary misery, maybe because we’re hungry, angry, tired or lonely. But sometimes it helps to just like, “Oh good, I’m not alone,” or, “I got to stop thinking about myself. I can help so-and-so by sending her my thoughts.” Yeah, make sure you have your posse around and someone who can hashtag I’m on my knees, because it really makes a big difference. It really does.

Sarah Walton: It does.

Gina Stracuzzi: Let’s talk a little bit, as we get towards the end of our conversation, what it’s like to sell with all your heart.

Sarah Walton: Isn’t it the best? Is there anything better? Honestly, I think it’s along the part like, “Oh my god, I just read this book. You have to read it.” There’s something that is so wonderful about helping somebody else get something they need. I don’t even know if there’s anything better. There probably is, but I love sales so much I don’t know. But that feeling of like, their life’s about to change, something’s about to just completely shift for them. That can be, by the way, I love to send my clients at the end of the year, I’ll send them any woman-owned product I can find. This last year I sent them candles that are handmade. I cannot tell you how many people were like, “This is the best thing I’ve had in the longest time. It brings me so much joy. I’ve become so much more productive. I love lighting it and writing it,” and I’m like, “Whoa, what is this magic?”

All I’m saying, you can sell a candle and change somebody’s life. You can sell a life insurance policy and change somebody’s life. We’ve all seen the women who that was not in place and something happens, right? That is life-changing stuff that is shifting people’s realities. It’s shifting the way people get up in the morning, or how they feel, or what they put on their bodies, or how they view themselves. Oh my god, is there anything better than changing somebody else’s life like that? Because I don’t think there is. Sorry, all you men in the world, I love you too, but I think sales is better [Laughs]

Gina Stracuzzi: Sales is such a satisfying industry or profession. It’s not just when you make a great sale that it’s like, “Oh, I did it.” But when you realize that you’ve done something really spectacular for your client too, that’s what’s just off-the-Richter-scale satisfying. I love that though, that you didn’t just order off Amazon, you found a woman-owned business, you supported her, and her magic brought you magic. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Sarah Walton: It doesn’t. How awesome is that? I think it’s really coming back to the truth of that, that we as women, we take care of each other. Now, I have to say something, I’ve heard this stat, but I’ve not been able to back it up. That if you put $10 in the hands of a man, $1 or $2 will go back into the community. If you give $10 to a woman, $7 or $8 will go back into the community, which I just think that speaks to who we are. It speaks to what we’re doing. I think I’ve truly come to believe that money is the most powerful tool we have access to on the planet right now. We may not love that, that might not be our top goal of integrity or whatever, but I think it’s true. When we look at who’s got the money right now and what’s happening on the planet, I really truly believe if there was more money in the hands of more women, that would change, and I think that’s critical. That’s why I think it’s so important we get into the love of sales for doing good, for making someone else’s life better. When we do that, oh my gosh, sky’s the limit.

Gina Stracuzzi: Everything that you’ve said there just really resonates with the day that we’re celebrating. This year’s theme is equity and embracing equity, and really appreciating the difference between equality and equity, because they are very different things. When we get to that level of equity, where we’re all getting what we need in order to be successful, the world is going to be a far better place because of instances like you just mentioned. If you give women $11, seven or eight of it’s going to go back into the community. Well, if you think about that on a worldwide basis, it is really something powerful. I could continue this conversation all day long. But we’re at a point in the conversation where we ask our guests for one piece of action that our listeners can put into place today to take their sales career, or their lives, or whatever to the next level, or just get change started.

Sarah Walton: Boy, are you speaking my language. What I’d love you to do is I want you to think if this year was so shockingly abundant that you blew your own mind, just, “Holy cannoli, oh my gosh, I did it,” the question is one, what would’ve happened and who would you have become to cause that to happen? Those are the two questions out of that. I want you to think about that woman, what you just wrote down, what would’ve happened and who would you have become, and I want you to think about that woman, the woman who caused this year to be the most abundant year you have ever had. When you think about her, I want you to ask her, “What three actions do I need to take today?” Another way to ask that is, “What did she do to get there?”

Soon as you start to think through that, you will be so inspired to take action. The key is you’ve got to take the action. It might be two or three things that come to mind. A person might pop into your head and you’ll be like, “Oh my gosh, go text them right now.” You really want to take immediate action. I’ll tell you, you guys, the last time I did that, that was a $45,000 text, and I did not reach out to sell. I reached out because this person popped into my head, and I was like, “Oh my gosh, I haven’t talked to her. I miss her. I love her. What is going on?” She’s like, “Oh my god, I was just thinking about you. I need to hire you.” You guys, you do not know what can come out of these inspiring moments, but you’ve got to get your head into the most abundant year you’ve ever had. What would you have done to get there, who would you have to become, and what would that woman tell you to do right now? Then go do it.

Transcribed by Mariana Badillo

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