EPISODE 317: Women in Sales: Voice Communications Expert Debra Cancro Shares 5 Tips for Sales Leaders When Speaking to Customers

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[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a replay of the WOMEN IN SALES Webinar sponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Sales and hosted by Gina Stracuzzi on January 13, 2021. It featured VoiceVibes founder Debra Cancro. VoiceVibes empowers people to be more effective communicators with an AI-powered platform for practice, coaching and onboarding.]

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EPISODE 317: Women in Sales: Voice Communications Expert Debra Cancro Shares 5 Tips for Sales Leaders When Speaking to Customers

DEBRA’S TIP FOR EMERGING SALES LEADERS: “Being natural when you speak is the best approach to take. We see a lot of Ted speakers these days and a lot of different ways that people are presenting. You can follow all the best practices of pausing and pace, but truly being natural and talking like you’re talking to a friend about something that you’re passionate about is the best way to be a speaker in pretty much all context.”

Fred Diamond: I’m very excited to introduce you to the Program Director of the IES Women in Sales Leadership Forum and also your host for today’s webinar, it’s Gina Stracuzzi.

Gina Stracuzzi: Hey, everybody. Thank you, Fred, lovely introduction as always. I’m super excited to get to our guest today, this is something we all struggle with even if we think we’re really good salespeople and we are effective. How we say things, our voice tones, filler words, our pace, all of those things matter and sometimes we just get going and forget to think about it. I’m very excited to bring on my guest here, without further ado let’s get on to our guest, Debra. Welcome. Would you go ahead and tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into this? This is your own business and your story is great, I love it.

Debra Cancro: Thank you. I’m the founder and CEO of VoiceVibes, we’re a Maryland based startup focused on helping people be the most successful communicators they can be. I started the idea about 10 years ago, I was a stay-at-home mom for a few years and I’d previously been an engineer at Bell Labs and worked in product marketing at a few companies. The thing that kept me up at night as a stay-at-home mom was guilt about my tone of voice and how I talk to my kids and my husband and how I felt that nobody’s listening to me. I thought if I could be more self-aware and be more controlled about the way I communicate to people, I would be more effective.

As I started my own company, I wanted to address that problem but of course, angry moms isn’t the best market but as I thought about, “Who needs to be self-aware about how they communicate and how they come across?” I realized pretty much everyone, whether you’re teaching or you’re in sales, in leadership, we all need to be self-aware. This idea we applied to VoiceVibes and we made this tool to help people practice and upload even sales calls and get automated feedback and coaching to help them improve.

Gina Stracuzzi: Let’s just back up a hair. When you started using it to detect your tone with your kids and your family, did the communication improve inside the house?

Debra Cancro: Back then when I had the idea we didn’t have the product yet so that was the Genesis of the idea and then as we built the product, we actually built in more for professional speech. There are so many ways that people speak and as an entrepreneur we had to narrow our focus, we really focused on honing in on the properties of professional speaking. That condescending mom voice is something I actually have a patent on but we’re not using that aspect as much and we don’t yet have it in a wearable format where I can capture my conversations all day long, but that’s something that I’ve always wanted to do.

Gina Stracuzzi: When you get that, I would like to test it for you.

Debra Cancro: [Laughs] I don’t think you have a problem with that, Gina.

Gina Stracuzzi: No, but my husband does [laughs].

Debra Cancro: Mine too [laughs]

Gina Stracuzzi: Maybe I’ll have him test it. So, take us through this tool of yours.\

Debra Cancro: I prepared some slides, I don’t want to do death by PowerPoint but I can share a few slides talking about some of the really interesting things we found in developing the product, doing our data collection and doing some of the research. I put together some slides just to share some interesting information and then I’ll show you how the product works if we have time at the end as well.

I like to start out by pointing out that most people don’t realize that when making a first impression – this doesn’t apply to your husband or people that you work with – but when you’re making an impression on a customer, the way you sound is actually five times more important than the words you say. People make these first impressions subconsciously and I like to talk about this, Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, he talks about this concept about how people just make these subconscious quick decisions they’re not even aware they’re making. There’s one particular study in here about surgeons and malpractice lawsuits and even something as serious as that, in the study they had a group of surgeons that had had three or more malpractice lawsuits filed against them and another group that had none. Just by having people listening to their voices from normal everyday doctor visits, people could predict which group they were in because it all correlates to tone of voice. This idea of subjective decision making influences sales, it influences elections, it influences malpractice lawsuits, it influences all the things in our life where we’re making an impression on others.

Gina Stracuzzi: It goes to that condescension, I’m sure.

Debra Cancro: From a sales perspective and a customer service perspective I’ve listed here on the screen some obvious things that get affected. When you’re not a clear representative and you’re not connecting with your audience and sounding authentic you can miss sales opportunities, you can lose existing customers through churn, you can miss promotions because people don’t think as highly of you as they should, your ideas don’t get heard, you’re not persuading people, all kinds of bad things can happen or all kinds of good things can happen if you improve your speaking skills.

Before I show you the product, this slide is a little bit techy but I like to share it because it shows what we’re doing as a company and how we’re really unique. There are products out there particularly in call centers that look at what I call here sentiment analysis, and a lot of call centers are very good at analyzing voice, analyzing things going on. An example I like to give is if people call in and say, “You people do X, Y, Z” that phrase kind of implies they’re not real happy. You can do some sophisticated analysis on words people use to really get at how they’re feeling about something but that’s not what we set out to do. There’s also technologies that are called emotion detection that truly want to figure out how you’re feeling. Think of a call center doing that, if your customer is angry maybe you route them to one breath where if they’re not angry you send them to another. That’s used a lot as well but when I have this idea and I looked into these technologies, they weren’t addressing the issue I wanted to address about being self-aware about how I’m coming across and helping me to do better. That’s why we coined the phrase VoiceVibes, picture if I’m really nervous right now or I’m having a bad day or I have a headache, my emotion might be negative. I still have the ability to overcome that and put off a positive vibe and that’s what I want to measure, that’s how vibes are different than sentiment or emotion.

Gina Stracuzzi: Is there an inherent bias in this, though?

Debra Cancro: Of course, there’s bias in everything. What’s nice about the way that we built our artificial intelligence is we’re capturing the opinions of lots of people, not just one. If you go to a coach or you get feedback from someone, they have bias. If I gave you feedback, Gina, my bias is going to be inherent in that feedback but the beauty of this AI approach is our models were trained on millions of data points of people’s perceptions and we’re taking the average perceptions of people. Even though there’s bias from every listener, we’re averaging that all into our data that enables us to make that bias a little less extreme. That’s how I think about it, does that make sense?

Gina Stracuzzi: Absolutely.

Debra Cancro: To build these models, like I said, we’ve got millions of data points of people listening to actors, listening to samples of speakers on YouTube, listening to all kinds of samples and rating them in 20 areas that we call vibes – captivating, confident, authentic, boring. We take all that data and we take their average scores and that’s what we use to train our models. Some interesting stats we got out of this were to validate that our data was meaningful, we threw in some additional questions. “Do you believe in this person? Would you want to listen to this person? Would you want to buy something from this person? Do they sound like they could be an executive?”

The way that those answers correlate to vibes was really interesting. Here on this slide you can see along the X axis we’re showing the presence of positive vibes. In the far right here it means these positive vibes like these speakers are extremely captivating, extremely confident. The percentage of listeners saying, “Yes, I would want to buy from this person” goes way up, as you’d expect. I expected this curve to be steep but it’s actually even steeper than I expected. Shown another way, people were 13 times more likely to say, “Yes, I’d want to buy something from this person” if they thought the person sounded confident and authentic.

Gina Stracuzzi: That is quite a bar on the extremely confident versus not confident.

Debra Cancro: Exactly, and we don’t presume that people are going to practice and go from a 0 to a 10 and maybe they won’t achieve the 13X but say you make a small delta and you improve your speaking skills even a little bit, maybe you could double your effectiveness, that’s crazy.

One of the more interesting facts we found, this is kind of a fun fact, it’s actually three times worse to be boring than even to be arrogant. Though neither is good, still about 18% said they’d buy from someone who sounded arrogant but only 6% said they’d buy from someone who was boring so go figure.

Gina Stracuzzi: I wonder if it’s possible to be both boring and arrogant.

Debra Cancro: It probably is [laughs].

Gina Stracuzzi: That would be somebody who should not be selling for sure.

Debra Cancro: It’s funny, to that point I think that a lot of salespeople are very good presenters and good speakers but they’re often times bringing others into their selling process. Maybe their junior reps, maybe their engineers, maybe they’re the audit team, sometimes in a bigger sale they’re bringing in a team of experts to help them close and this tool can also help them have an objective way to give some feedback or some coaching to that team of support people that are helping them on the deal.

Gina Stracuzzi: Yes, and I can see that would be very valuable.

Debra Cancro: I come from an engineering background and I don’t like to think engineering people are boring but sometimes people say that we are [laughs].

Gina Stracuzzi: Well, some are and that happens so this could help them.

Debra Cancro: Yes. Some other interesting facts that I wanted to share especially in this Women in Sales episode is the difference between men and women because I often get that question a lot about bias. Is there bias between males and females? The good news is with regard to most of these questions, “Would I want to buy from this person? Do I want to listen to this person? Would I believe in this person?” The data shows that the women and men are scoring pretty much the same. There’s no significant difference, you can see this curve here and again, this is a lot of data but overall, the numbers are pretty similar.

Gina Stracuzzi: It doesn’t appear that way. I imagine there are certain elements of speech that are more pronounced and perhaps we’ll get to that when we actually look at the technology. Some that are more pronounced in men and some that are more pronounced in women like upspeak, for one.

Debra Cancro: Definitely, we’ll talk about that, that’s one thing women struggle with more than men. The one area where we found a gender difference in those questions is this one, sadly. The other three questions were asking about, “Would you buy? Would you believe? Would you want to listen?” Where this question is, “Do they sound like they could be an executive?” The sad news is that the difference is about 10% so when women sound equally confident or equally captivating or equally authentic, there’s still this gap between people perceiving they could be an executive. That’s sad news, it is what it is, people assuming you’re an executive is less if you’re a female but the good takeaway is that our ability to sell or persuade isn’t hindered. This is the only question where I saw this problem.

Gina Stracuzzi: I think it goes to the bias that still exists in society that certain jobs are still male-driven, which is one of the reasons we started the leadership forum. What’s interesting about this is that women are actually more effective across the board in leadership and in sales than men and yet we still have these perceived biases. It is something we have yet to overcome and 2021 is going to be the year we do it. We’re going to come back together, Deb and we’re going to look at this and that 10% is going to start shrinking.

Debra Cancro: I definitely think it’s going to shrink. As more and more people see women in roles of leadership, then they’re going to expect it more and more. That’s a summary of our data and the way we focus on helping people improve is through the product that we developed and the concept behind it is that people learn best by doing. You can go to a class, you can read a book, you can learn about best practices and give people feedback verbally so they can hear that and experience it but if they could actually practice and get a feedback in real time and practice again and iterate on their own experience, we call that active learning. Their retention and their ability to improve is way greater. We do have a practice platform where you can practice ahead of time, you can practice a voicemail, you can practice your company pitch, you can practice your elevator speech or you can upload your real calls. You can upload Zoom calls, we could upload this webinar later and see how we sounded, you can use it for practice and for coaching in the moment.

I gave you an account yesterday and you had the chance to speak. With your permission, maybe we could talk through these dials in the context of your own practice session.

Gina Stracuzzi: Please.

Debra Cancro: Before I do, I should introduce these concepts a little bit more because you mentioned upspeak earlier, that’s one of the things we measure so maybe I should explain that before we jump in. Upspeak is when people inflect at the end of a sentence like they’re asking a question and doing it a bit is okay or if you’re genuinely asking people questions, that’s a good thing but if women tend to do it a lot, it really detracts from our credibility. That’s something that we measure and for all of these dials, when you hover over them and click on them, it’ll highlight in the audio where you did it. Upspeak is a great example, if you hovered over the upspeak counter and if you had done it, it would show you where you did it so you can go hear yourself doing it and that’s the best way to help someone actually improve.

Gina Stracuzzi: I was very taken with the tool when I was using it, it’s gratifying to see things you did well but it also makes you want to fix whatever came up. Like pausing, pausing can be highly effective if used in the right way. If you put a lot, then it makes you sound either ill-prepared or really not believing what you’re saying or you don’t have answers. It really depends on how you’re using the tool or who you’re speaking to and why you’re pausing, all of those things. I find it fascinating.

Debra Cancro: Thank you. To your point, pausing is a big on. Can you see my screen?

Gina Stracuzzi: Yes.

Debra Cancro: This is actually your account that you let me share so thank you, Gina, for letting me log in. Yesterday we made this practice recording, up here this is the one we did yesterday that wasn’t anything, it was just us practicing but we’ll talk through this first to get a sense. You can see that we said “uh” and “um” a few times in our conversation, the vocal delivery score was kind of average and the vibes were okay. We can see where there was energy in the call or things like that but this was just a practice session. Here you see some upspeak and you were asking a question so in these two cases you asked questions and it shows those are some upspeaks.

Gina Stracuzzi: The purple on the screen where it shows the recording of the voice, when you hover over something that shows you where you did those things?

Debra Cancro: Exactly, it says you had some. It wasn’t excessive but it says you had some and if you want to go hear it, you click on this link and then it highlights on the audio where you said it.

Gina Stracuzzi: [Recording playback] we get done.

Debra Cancro: That wasn’t even a question, that was upspeak, you said, “We get done.” Did you hear that?

Gina Stracuzzi: Yes.

Debra Cancro: Then you asked the question. The voice analytics doesn’t know if it’s necessarily a question or not but we’re hearing that upspeak and flagging it so you can hear it.

Gina Stracuzzi: If you’re listening to this as a podcast, Deb is going to make an offer at the end, I would recommend that you take her up on this so that you can really see what this is about. I think it’s fascinating that you can highlight this many pieces of speech in a short recording. What if somebody has an accent or maybe they come from a part of the country that speaks with a drawl or just has a very affected manner of speaking?

Debra Cancro: We get that question a lot. Because we’re looking at the acoustic properties in your voice – the way you’re using your voice – those are okay. When we score this clarity here, we’re looking at if the software can understand and be confident that it understands the words you said. This is an objective way to know if you’re understandable, you could think of Siri that sometimes messes up your words or misunderstands, it’s kind of like that. It’s an objective way to say, “It was hard to understand what you said.” But in terms of the other features, because we’re looking at the vocal patterns thankfully they can be agnostic to the accents that people have.

Gina Stracuzzi: If we’re not coming off clear for whatever reason, whether it’s an accent or speech mannerism or whatever the case is then we’re not clear, it doesn’t matter the reason. We have to figure out what, if anything, we can do about it.

Debra Cancro: Exactly, and VoiceVibes can’t necessarily help fix that. We can refer you to coaches that deal with accent reduction if it’s a problem but in general, like I said, as long as you’re understandable, it’s okay. A lot of times it’s a great thing, sometimes it gets you more respect depending on the audience.

Gina Stracuzzi: People respond to those things quite often, they think they’re charming or interesting or whatever and it can be a topic of conversation that builds some rapport. Not everything is necessarily something that has to be improved or changed, just being aware is probably the best idea. I like the idea of vocal delivery, yesterday when we did this we had a little bit of background interference that we wouldn’t normally have. But tell us exactly what vocal delivery is, is that the pitch or the tone or the volume? What is that?

Debra Cancro: Vocal delivery is our one score that if you’re just going to look at one thing to see if you sound professional and polished, this puts it all together as one score. It’s like an overall, you got a 5.9 out of 10. Then we break it down and tell you up here what one thing you could work on first to get that score to go up. In this case it was filler words, you can click on uh’s and um’s and see the 8 times that uh and um were said, but all of these things, filler words, strength of opening, clarity, pausing, upspeak, vocal variety, all these things are in a weighted algorithm, so to speak, that comes up with this one handy score called vocal delivery.

Gina Stracuzzi: This was our conversation yesterday about this, I was trying to think about what we recorded yesterday but okay.

Debra Cancro: You were talking and I was interrupting you but it was recorded and left in the system.

Gina Stracuzzi: That’s right, you were probably interrupting me with those um’s and uh’s [laughs].

Debra Cancro: Yes, I think most of them are me, actually [laughs]. Here we have this ability to score card so I just fill this out to show people that as a coach, you shared with me and then I shared it back with you. This morning you practiced an elevator pitch and you used a tool the way it was meant to be used and look here, the first time you did it you got a 5.7 which is kind of average, it’s not bad but the one thing it tells you to work on first is variety of pitch. We come over here to variety of pitch and it says, “You had a good amount of variety in your voice, but you hit highs and lows in a predictable pattern and it did sound a little bit scripted.” You were just saying your typical pitch so we’ll show you where it lacks that naturalness of a variety.

Gina Stracuzzi: I did that based on our conversation, I did that to make a point so that you would have the standard stuff and then if I put my heart into it.

Debra Cancro: Yes, and I can play it, it’s only 30 seconds but you can see you said the right things, you had a great pitch, you had no uh’s and um’s but what I highlighted here is just where the software is saying you didn’t have this natural variety in your voice that makes you sound natural. Let’s listen.

[Recording playback of Gina]

I won’t play the whole thing but could you hear that? It’s perfectly good, it’s clear so it got a 5.7 but then on your next one, as you mentioned, you said you were speaking from the heart and you just talked very naturally and look at that. Your variety of pitch now is perfect and you also now have captivating in your voice and that wasn’t there before. Captivating goes into this other metric called strength of opening, we look at how captivating you are in the first 30 seconds – which in this case is the entire speech – but you have that captivating sound which comes with naturalness. You sounded like you were talking to a friend over a cup of coffee and that shows in your voice. You got a 9.5 out of 10 which is pretty much perfect and you even had some uh’s and um’s but that’s okay, it was actually part of your sounding natural so it didn’t affect your score or bring it down. The one thing it said you could work on, it said you’re slightly fast but then if you hover over pace it even explains, “If you’re having a conversation, this is good. If it’s public speaking, you might want to slow down a little bit.” Overall you got a 9.5 because it was a very natural sounding speech.

Gina Stracuzzi: It’s funny too because I know exactly where the ‘too fast’ was and I was like, “Did someone just hit the accelerator? Why did I speed up there?” before I even looked at this. Consciously, I knew that came out really fast and I’m thinking, why? [Laughs] sometimes we just get talking and especially, at least for myself, I know if I’m speaking about something that really I’m passionate about, I get so excited that I do sometimes speak fast. That’s not usually if I’m giving a speech, it’s when I’m speaking one-on-one with somebody and I think you’re right, if you’re speaking directly to them, if I’m telling you about the forum and I get all excited, you might think that’s really awesome because you’re picking up on my excitement. I think unless you’re explaining something really intricate and complicated, then a little bit of pace is probably okay. Is that right?

Debra Cancro: Exactly, that’s why even though you had speeding up parts, it was part of what you did well. It was very natural, you sped up, slowed down, there’s a natural aspect to this whole recording.

Gina Stracuzzi: No upspeak, yay!

Debra Cancro: [Laughs] I have the top five tips or takeaways that I could share but I don’t even know if we have time.

Gina Stracuzzi: We do, we have about 8 minutes left. The biggest thing that people seem to be interested in is how can you use this in day to day selling? Do teams use this usually? I would hope that sales managers don’t single out a particular person because we can all improve, but how do teams use this? Then I want to hear about your top tips.

Debra Cancro: That was a great question. Typically if teams are using this tool, the manager or the coach can make these little cards that you’re seeing here called assignments and they can have people practice things ahead of time. Say you’ve got some junior reps and you want them to practice voicemails or practice how to handle objections, you can make little assignments and this would be part of an onboarding program or a learning program, rolling out new messaging for the new year, new products, things like that. When there’s new messaging to learn it’s used as a tool from that regard.

Another use case is for more senior people if they’ve got a really high-stakes presentation. When I was doing a lot of investor pitches in the past, I would practice slide by slide. I would pull up on my laptop my first slide, I would practice on VoiceVibes what I’m going to say on that slide and then I’d get the feedback and I could do it again and again just like what you showed us. I might do it five times until I get a really good score, then I move onto the next slide and do it again. I’d practice every slide and in that process I’m not only going through what I want to say making sure it’s concise, iterating on the content but I’m also getting the feedback on how it sounds. Then when I present live which now could be over a recorded Zoom call, it’s even easier. In the past I used to wear a lapel mic and record myself live but then I would get the feedback on my live presentation as well.

One of the interesting things I would get from that would be seeing where I was boring because as I showed you earlier, boring is the worst. When I was doing my pitch, one of the things that I realized is I got really boring on the part where I was talking about my team and it turns out I tended to list their qualifications and talk about them in a list mode and it was boring. By seeing, “My vocal is boring there”, I went and listened to it and then I could change it up, make it more of a story to summarize the team and why the team is great. Then I had more passion in my voice when I got to that team slide so specific things like that can be improved from the feedback as well.

Gina Stracuzzi: I love all these, make your first VoiceVibes sales pitch, practice, 30 second commercial, open practice, all of those assignment cards are great. You bring up a really good point about the video calls now because I think people have gotten more used to it but in the beginning of the pandemic there were a lot of hardcore face-to-face people who were struggling. Most of us aren’t very good in front of the camera and I know even in the beginning when we were doing the first couple of webinars, I was so bothered by looking at myself, I don’t need to see that much me [laughs] but after a while you stop. It does halt your presentation, the way you’re speaking. Now, like I said, we’re a little more used to it but I would think that sales calls over video might be a really great place to use this tool.

Debra Cancro: Absolutely, we have a Zoom integration and also, when people upload video or audio we don’t analyze the video per se but it can be shown in there with the context so like I said, go see where you’re boring or go see where you did upspeak or whatever it is that it’s highlighting and then you can fast-forward, go to that part and get the feedback. We’re also a coaching platform so as you saw in the demo, there’s that area where I used the score card. We have customizable score cards and comments and all that, one of these assignments could be, “Share a call where you dealt with this objection” or, “Share a call where you want coaching” and then the sales rep can just upload a Zoom call into that assignment and the manager can go and listen to it and give them coaching right then and there. For a company that doesn’t have a big call center platform or some sophisticated automated thing that’s routing all their calls and doing a lot, if they just want to coach here and there and give people an easy way to share stuff and comment on stuff and keep connected with each other, this is a very easy way to do that.

Gina Stracuzzi: We have about 5 minutes left, why don’t you take us through those tips and then the offer that you want to make people?

Debra Cancro: I’ll jump to the tips here. Our top 5 tips, I try to think of the things specifically for Women in Sales, things that I struggle with. My #1 issue is slowing down, I always talk too fast especially when I’m excited and what I’ve learned over the years is that by doing that, I’m really causing my audience to not comprehend everything. Because I’m so excited and I’m talking too fast, I’m robbing them of understanding so I’ve learned a lot from the highlights in my own audio that it’s important for me to slow down.

Tip #4 I’d say is pausing more, it’s a very effective tool to help people digest what you’re saying. Slowing down is important but also after you speak, taking a pause lets people digest it a little more. I’ve also learned that professional speakers use the power of a pause before an important point so they might build up to something and then pause and then say it. It breaks the pattern a little bit so that people listen more intently, so pausing can be used as a very effective tool.

As we’ve been talking throughout this conversation, upspeak is a big one for women. Not all women do it, but when they do, being aware and being able to turn it off when people are expecting you to be very professional is an important thing.

Tip #2 is to breathe, a lot of us get nervous when there’s an audience and stakes are high and then we start to speak from our throat rather than from out diaphragm. If you take a minute, take a breath and do some breathing exercises even before a presentation that you’re nervous about, it helps you to calm down, it helps you calm your nerves. Also focus on breathing from those lower parts, not from your throat. One book I read was saying when you think about when you cough or when you sneeze, the power of your sneeze, try to tap into that part of your body, where that’s coming from and that gives you a much stronger, more powerful voice.

Lastly, my #1 tip that I’ve learned from dealing with this for years is that natural is best. We see a lot of Ted speakers these days and a lot of different ways that people are presenting. You can follow all the best practices of pausing and pace and those will get your scores up, but truly being natural and talking like you’re talking to a friend about something that you’re passionate about is the best way to be a speaker in pretty much all context. As you showed today in a perfect example, when you were natural and comfortable and talking casually, that is typically what’s best because there’s passion in your voice, it was authentic and that’s what people want from a speaker. Especially these days, they really want authenticity and naturalness.

Gina Stracuzzi: That’s true of sales in particular, people want to know they’re dealing with an authentic person who has their best interest at heart and being your natural self is going to convey that. This has been absolutely awesome and now you have a very kind offer for people, so please share it with us.

Debra Cancro: We would love to give out a free access for people to try this out and practice something. Think about your elevator pitch or personal brand message or something that you’d like to practice and then reach out and request a demo. Make sure you mention either IES or Women in Sales in the comment field. If you go to our website, it’s myvoicevibes.com and there’s buttons everywhere, you can request a demo but please make sure when you do it you mention this podcast or this webinar. Then we’ll reach out back to you and tell you how to access a free day that you can log in and practice. If you don’t want to fill out a request form, you can just email me directly, here’s my email information: debra@myvoicevibes.com. If you reach out, do the same thing, mention this webinar, that you’d like to try it out and we’ll give you a day of access that you can practice something.

Transcribed by Mariana Badillo

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