EPISODE 352: Reston Limo’s Kristina Bouwieri and JK Moving’s Vince Burruano Declare What Elite Sales Performers Are Doing Right Now

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[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a replay of the Sales Game Changers LIVE Webinar sponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Sales on April 14, 2021. It featured Reston Limo CEO Kristina Bouwieri and JK Moving Commercial Sales Leader Vince Burruano.]

Register for the May 7 IES Women in Sales Leadership Forum here.

Find Kristina on LinkedIn here. Find Vince on LinkedIn here.

KRISTINA’S TIP FOR EMERGING SALES LEADERS: “Subscribe to the Washington Business Journal or the one in your market. To me, this is my business bible. I read it every week and there’s just so much information in here. You can write personal letters to people. When I say letters, I mean letters and not emails because emails these days are just stuck in spam blockers. Send personal letters, reach out to these people on LinkedIn. In the back of the magazine, there’s a place called People on the Move. Those are people that are very successful that just got promoted. Send them a $50 gift card and your business card. Do you know how many people get back to me and say, “Thanks for the gift card and thanks for reaching out.” Don’t forget the Washington Business Journal Book of Lists. Every lead you could possibly imagine is in here, and that’s how we were able to diversify our markets.”

VINCE’S TIP FOR EMERGING SALES LEADERS: “Do not be afraid of using the phone to reach out and call people. Whether they’re customers, connections, friends, or people you haven’t talked to in a long time, set time aside every day. Follow up on LinkedIn. Send handwritten notes, express your empathy and the fact that you genuinely care and all these things will repay themselves. You’ll not only feel better but you’ll make these people feel better too that somebody cared enough to reach out to them.”


Fred Diamond: This is the Sales Game Changers Live. Every Wednesday, we bring on some sales and business leaders to talk about how they’re working with their customers and how they’re working with their sales teams. By the way, Kristina Bouweiri and Vince Burruano have both been guests of the Sales Game Changers podcast. Both episodes were great which is why we invited them back today.

Kristina Bouweiri and Vince Burruano, it’s great to see you. Thank you both for being here. You’re both with very visible companies. We have listeners around the globe but we broadcast from the Northern Virginia, Washington DC area. Kristina, you’re the CEO of Reston Limousine. Vince, you’re the VP of Commercial Sales for JK Moving. Two companies that are very, very high profile.

Anybody who’s driven on the beltway has at least seen the vans or the buses that say Reston Limousine. Vince, of course, people have seen JK Moving trucks all over the region as well. So thank you both for being here sharing some of your ideas. Kristina, let’s get started with you. How are things going? We’re broadcasting today in April of 2021. Of course, the pandemic has affected your industry but you’re still there. Give us an update on how things are going.

Kristina Bouweiri: Thank you so much for having me, I really appreciate it. Things are going pretty well right now. Obviously things became very difficult a year ago. Our industries came to a standstill, but we were able to pivot. We are pivoting into food delivery, we deliver food for an app called Din Din which has been fantastic.

We’ve also pivoted into driving patients that have tested positive, we take them to quarantine.  And we are driving lots of pilots to get tested for COVID every single day, and we’re doing a lot of medical transplantation work. We’ve pivoted into some new markets and we are stable and doing fine, thank you for asking.

Fred Diamond: We’re going to get deep into your conversations with your customers. Nice shout out to Din Din company founded during the pandemic by our good friend, John Aggrey and his people. We’ve tried that service and it’s actually fantastic.

Vince Burruano, it’s great to see you. You’ve been a guest, actually, of the Sales Game Changers podcast and you also have been a guest on our webinars that we’ve been doing. Every single day we’re doing webinars with sales leaders and sales thought leaders.

I think we had you back in the June time frame when things were really getting heated and you guys were doing a lot of things to engage with your customers. We actually had someone on your team recently on the Women in Sales Fresh Voices show as well. Why don’t you get us caught up with what you’re doing over at JK Moving?

Vince Burruano: Thank you again for the invite, Fred. Always appreciate the opportunity. I like the word that Kristina used, pivot, and that’s what we had done late last year. When the pandemic hit, it obviously had a negative impact in some of our traditional business lines, but fortunately, I’m part of a team that’s very creative, very dedicated. We looked for their opportunities, we did quite a bit of work at universities doing student pack and ship projects to help bridge the gap. That was great for last year. This year, things continue to move forward. We’re constantly trying to be creative and focus in on opportunities that present themselves.

Fred Diamond: You’re both not just sales leaders, but you’re also well-known as business leaders who give back a lot to the community. JK, of course, with your sustainable farming that your founder has created. Kristina, you’ve created Stirling Women and you’ve created so many entities along the way. Both of your companies are very, very well-known as givers back to the workforce and to customers in the community.

Kristina, I’m just curious. Right now from a sales perspective, what are the main priorities that you’re focused on right now? Literally this week. Again, we’re right smack in the middle of April, we’re still technically in the middle of the pandemic. What are some of the priorities that you’re doing from a sales and BD perspective?

Kristina Bouweiri: Our #1 priority is staying in touch with our clients. About 80% of them pretty much shut down. Now, we’re very lucky that the other 20%, many of them had quadrupled the service needs due to social distancing. It’s important for us to now figure out when will the other clients come back. So we reach out at least monthly to all of our clients, check in, see how they’re doing and try and get a feel for when they’re going to be back in the office. Because a big part of what we do is shuttles to the metro. Without people in offices, we don’t have anyone to drive.

Fred Diamond: Your conversations with your customers, you say you’re touching base. Again, like you just said, a big part of what you’re doing just isn’t happening right now. In those type of situations, if you’re able to talk to a customer, what do you talk about? One thing we talked about a lot on the Sales Game Changers webinars is empathetic conversations. Are you just looking to touch base knowing that there may not be a need at this moment in time? I’m just curious, what do those conversations look like?

Kristina Bouweiri: We are just touching base. Some customers tell us they have no idea, other customers say, “Well, we think it’s going to be May or April or June” and then we call back a month later to get an update. We do require about 30 days’ notice to ramp back up for a large contract because we’ll have to hire probably 200 drivers. We do need at least 30 days’ notice to ramp back up for a shuttle contract.

A lot of it is just, “How are you doing? How is the pandemic affecting your business?” We’re developing deeper relationships with our clients staying in touch and making sure they know we’re here for them.

Fred Diamond: Vince, how about you? You manage a team, your team does commercial moving. You move companies from place to place, has that stopped or has that slowed down, or is it going richer than ever? And how are your conversations? How are you directing your team to have conversations with your customers and prospects?

Vince Burruano: That’s a great question. I think it’s critical, the point on empathy. I think it’s important to reach out to clients and prospects as well and I love the idea that John Asher put forward. Not how are you doing but how are you feeling, and it always catches people as a different way of thinking about it. “How are you feeling today? Is there anything we can do to be of service or help?”

It might not even be in your core business, they might need help with something else and you can make a referral, a reference or just given them an idea about a website. Those things are appreciated because a lot of people are feeling separated from others.

As far as the moving piece, it’s changed. Where we were going in and everybody’s rushing out of the office on a Friday and we’re packing them up on Friday night moving them on Saturday and they’re all coming back to work on Monday, that’s changed.

Now we’re going to offices that have been empty, that may still be empty doing a different level of work. But trying to be sensitive that it’s their business, it’s the most important thing to them and they treat it with the care and respect it deserves.

Fred Diamond: We have a question here from Daniela, she says, “I’m a big fan of both Reston Limo and JK Moving for pivoting their businesses and inspiring others. Could you talk about some of the silver linings that may have occurred for your companies?”

We talk about the challenges but Kristina, you mentioned you might have found some new business opportunities or some new product or service lines. Vince, why don’t you go first? What are some of the positive things or some of the silver linings that have come from this? Then we’ll ask Kristina the same question.

Vince Burruano: I think the biggest thing that comes to mind is character. It’s amazing to me when things are going well, everything looks right. But when you face a pandemic, a crisis or other type of event, you really get to see the true character of people on your team, and whether or not those are going to be the people. Everybody has friends on good days, it’s on the rainy days when your friends really stick. I think we were able to see that we had put together a very good team, that people stuck together and for us, that was a silver lining.

Fred Diamond: Kristina, how about you? Again, you’ve had to move into some other things that you might not have been doing before. Talk about the positives that have arisen from this for you.

Kristina Bouweiri: There have been so many silver linings for me, not only personally but professionally. Basically, what the pandemic did for us was it gave us a chance to sit back and look at how we do things. It gave us more time to dive deep into our policies and our procedures and our processes. For a company like ours, we used to grow 7% to 17% a year every single year for 30 years.

When you grow that fast and that often, many projects just get put on the back burner. The pandemic slowed us down, allowed us to really focus on fixing what was broken. We were able to downsize and right-size the business, we really focused a lot on technology and making sure that our technology is top-notch and everyone’s using it as best as possible. We had a lot of manual old-fashion processes going on. We got rid of all those.

We do all online training now, we do all online onboarding. There are so many great things that came out of that pandemic for us, and we will come out of this a stronger, better, smarter, much more stable company. To me, that’s a gift that I never would have gotten if it was business as usual.

Fred Diamond: I’m just curious. When things begin to shift back where people are out and about, do you see the business going back to a lot of the core that you were doing? Do you anticipate, with all the things that have happened over the last year, getting back to the kind of services that you were providing prior to the shutdown?

Kristina Bouweiri: It depends on the market segment. For example, universities is our biggest market segment and I have contracts with 8 universities and they all shut down. Some of them are running a little bit right now, but not at full capacity. We expect them all to be at full capacity in the fall which is really exciting.

But then other market segments like tourism, group travel, conventions, I don’t expect that to come back probably for at least a year. Thankfully, we’re in 13 market segments and that would be my advice to anyone. Diversify your market segment so that when one is busy and the other one is slow, you have more than one market segment feeding you business.

Fred Diamond: Vince, I want to ask you a question. There’s a lot of words that have come up every day.  Again, we’re doing webcasts every single day from the Institute for Excellence in Sales and there’s a whole bunch of words that have come up. Preparation, empathy we talked about a second or two ago. Vince, one of the keywords that keeps coming up is elite.

A lot of the sales professionals who really weren’t elite have gotten flushed out in the marketplace. I know you’re a student of sales, you and I have discussed many books over the years. What are elite sales professionals doing right now? Because if you’re not elite, we’ve seen people get flushed out, it’s tough. If you’re elite, what should you be doing right now?

Vince Burruano: I think that’s a great question and you’re right. It probably helps our industry or our profession to get rid of some of the riff-raff, let’s be honest. I’m fortunate to manage a group of elite salespeople who were able to understand what was going on, what they could control, and what they could not control.

My advice to salespeople all the time is to run your business like it’s your own business. Yes, you work for somebody but as a sales professional, that’s as close to a franchise operation you can get while still being an employee. Do all the smart things and do them right. Understand there are no shortcuts to success, it’s a matter of hard work. It’s doing the right things consistently that will give you the best results.

Fred Diamond: Kristina, I’m curious, what do you see people doing wrong right now? Again, your business has been affected, like we talked about. But not everybody has responded, a lot of companies have had to go out of business, have had to shut down completely. What are you seeing people doing wrong right now?

Kristina Bouweiri: I hate to say anything negative about my industry, but I know for a fact that if you call many other limousine companies, you will not get a quote right away. You have to wait for someone to call you back. A lot of transportation companies have shut down their offices and they’re working remotely. They’re not answering their phones 24/7 and they’re not getting back to people because customers call us and say, “Why can’t I get a quote from anyone else?”

That’s a good thing for me, because we are still open 24/7 answering phones and giving out quotes. I do think it’s a mistake to scale back office hours if you’re a 24/7 company like mine. But it is tough, because how do you financially pay for all of that? It’s just one of those things that you have to figure out what your priorities are.

Fred Diamond: Vince, you manage a lot of salespeople, you’re a student of sales, like I just mentioned. What do you see people doing wrong right now? Either sales professionals or maybe business owners who are responsible for the sales for their company.

Vince Burruano: I would say two things. One is I think that people are making a mistake trimming back any investment and developing their staff. It’s one of the first things that gets cut along with marketing, “Let’s not spend money.” I think there’s a great story about the CEO and a CFO talking about the budget for sales development. The CFO says to the President, “What if we spend all this money and they leave?” In retort, he says, “What if we don’t and they stay?” We’re a huge believer in making sure we’re continually investing in our people. Our people are what run the business and drive the business.

Fred Diamond: Kristina, we talked about your customer conversations before. Again, as I mentioned, you’re a well-known business leader not just in your industry but throughout the DC area. As a matter of fact, you’re going to be doing some presentations for other civic organizations coming up in the next couple months. I know you’re always in high demand to speak as well. What are people asking you? I’m just curious.

I’m asking you all these questions because it’s the Sales Game Changers Live, but you know our audience are sales professionals. You, as an established business leader who’s done so much for the community, I’m just curious how people are engaging you. What are they looking for from you?

Kristina Bouweiri: The customers right now are mostly concerned about how they’re going to be safe. What kind of cleaning protocols we have in place, how are we keeping our drivers safe, that is really the main thought that people have on their mind.

They’re also asking us if we can drive them out of town. Many people are not comfortable getting on a train or a bus or an airplane, so we’re driving a lot of people into other cities. We’ve gone to Chicago, New Hampshire, that piece of our business has picked up. My customers are not asking me anything other than, “How are you going to keep us safe?” That’s really all they care about right now.

Fred Diamond: How does safety play with you, Vince? Obviously, moving is a dangerous business as it is but from a safety perspective, does that come up a lot as well? Again, your people are going to be in their office, your people are going to be moving things or going to be there possibly longer than a day. Does that come up a lot as a sales type of a question as well?

Vince Burruano: Absolutely. I think it’s the same concern if you’re inviting people into your office space, if they’re going to be handling your things, if they’re going to be just in the space. We’ve taken steps from the very beginning as an essential business, just like Kristina’s, to make sure that we’re doing everything. From taking temperatures to people coming in, providing masks and gloves, we bring our own cleaning supplies out to projects to make sure that we can keep our hands cleaned and washed.

All those things are important, and they should be. Hopefully, from all this, people who are not feeling well don’t come into work. I’m hoping that’s one of the biggest changes from this, we’ve lived in a world where people came in and sniffled and coughed. Prior to the pandemic, it was never a good idea. Hopefully, that will encourage people to stay home if they’re not well.

Fred Diamond: We have another question here from Daniela, “Networking has been a big part of both of your businesses. With no in-person opportunities to network right now, what are some things that you’re encouraging your people to do?” That’s a great question. As a matter of fact, you guys are all over the place. Your team is involved with chambers of commerce, you’re involved with the Institute for Excellence in Sales. Vince, your people would come when we were doing live programs, a whole table of JK.

What is your advice for people right now on how to network? And again, it’s been a year. There haven’t been chamber events or BNI or even B2B lead share. Kristina, why don’t you go first? What are some of your recommendations for people to network and what are some things you might be doing?

Kristina Bouweiri: I have actually grown my network by about 500 people this year and that’s because of Zoom. I pretty much say yes to every Zoom call I get asked to join. I’m a part of the International Women’s Forum, any of my boards, forums, chambers, economic club, then of course BNI. I’m not in BNI, I think it’s a great organization. I get invited as a guest a lot and that is incredible. You’ll get 50 new leads just going as a guest to any BNI meeting.

What I do is when I get on Zoom and I’m with a group of people I don’t know, I write down all their names and I LinkedIn with them and then I follow up. I actually think Zoom has been phenomenal in terms of growing my network. The other thing is the Breakout rooms, when you’re in a networking Zoom call and they do the Breakout rooms. I’m finding that I’m getting to know more people than I did when I went to in-person events. Because I would only probably connect with one or two people at an in-person event.

With Zoom and the Breakout sessions, I’m connecting with like 10. I have no complaints, I’m not spending all that time in the car going to and from events. Even though, of course, I always have a driver [laughs]. People hate Zoom, I love Zoom. It’s worked great for me.

Fred Diamond: That’s a great point, two things that you just said. One is that you follow up. When you go to these types of activities, you follow people in LinkedIn as well. I encourage you to connect with the right people and then definitely follow up. One of the great things you’re right about Zoom is that you’re engaging with people. Even just a one-time meeting can have a long-term last.

A lot of times when you go to an in-person type of networking event, you want to be nice and engaged but you also want to meet other critical people as well. Vince, how about you? Again, you’re very well-known for ensuring that your people are out there and showing up for things. It’s a big part of how you like to manage your people as well. What are some of your suggestions for the sales professionals out there to network right now?

Vince Burruano: I think that what Kristina pointed out was a great idea. Using LinkedIn, using opportunities when you are on a video call to follow up with people and engage them. There’s a lot of people who are not doing very much in person, so they’re welcoming the opportunity for a video call or a phone call just to get to know and build bridges.

I’m hoping that the in-person events do come back, because they’ve always been very successful for us. But I will tell you also that on the occasions where you do have in-person meetings, how much more powerful they are even if you’re separated and wearing a mask. How more important they are, because you know they’re doing so many fewer events that way or taking fewer meetings. It’s a great opportunity to build a real connection when you’re meeting with people.

Fred Diamond: Vince, I’m just curious. A lot of the companies that we work with are still not back to their office. Are your people going? Of course, you’re moving people so you have to see the location, if you will, to give quotes, I guess. But have your people been going back? I presume to locations for a while. How’s that working for your salespeople?

Vince Burruano: I give a lot of credit and courage to our sales organization. They’ve been going to meetings since really the lockdown, since last March. There’ve been people who’ve had to move or had to do a project and our team was out there. They were out there in the appropriate protection following all the protocols. I give them a lot of credit because there were a lot of people who were afraid and I’m sure they were all concerned as well. But that’s what courage is, it’s not denying your fear, it’s recognizing it and being able to act anyway.

Fred Diamond: Kristina, we have a question here specifically for you. You’ve created organizations for women to take their careers and their lives to the next level. A question here comes in from Beth Anne, “What are Kristina’s recommendations for working moms with full-time jobs right now?”

Again, it’s a little bit away from the Reston Limo but you’re with Sterling Women and there’s probably a dozen others that you’ve created, you’ve been known for. We talk about this on the Women in Sales webinar we do every Tuesday with Gina Stracuzzi. What are some of your thoughts and recommendations for the working women who are working for corporations right now?

Kristina Bouweiri: That is a great question, and I have five kids. Thankfully, they’re all adults now. I cannot imagine what it would be like if I had to homeschool my kids and work full time. My heart goes out to all the moms out there. My advice is the same today that it would be before the pandemic, and that is as a working woman in business and a mom, you have to take care of yourself.

There are so many things you’re doing that you should probably outsource. You should probably have a housekeeper come in, you should probably get some food delivered and not have to cook every single meal. There are so many things you can do to take a little bit of the pressure off, especially if it’s a dual-income household. I think moms try and do too much.

I also want to say that the best opportunities that ever came across my desk were things that happened before and after work. Whether it was at a board meeting at 7:00 o’clock in the morning or a board meeting at 7:00 o’clock at night. My advice to working women is you need to be in a relationship of support so that your spouse will let you do things like that. Because if you don’t, you’re not going to get those great opportunities. You have to set aside some time for networking and be very diligent about that. Because that’s where you’re going to find opportunities.

I often will walk into a room and I’m the only woman. Why? Because I had a stay-at-home spouse, I had my mother-in-law living with me and I had a housekeeper. My focus could be my business and that’s why I had the freedom to attend events. Many women don’t. My advice is to get a support system in place so that you can take advantage of opportunities.

Fred Diamond: Vince, I want to follow up with you. As a matter of fact, tomorrow on our Optimal Sales Mindset webinar we have the great GV Freeman and we’re going to be talking about self-care for high-performing sales leaders. Vince, you can answer the question I just asked Kristina if you’d like.

But I’m also curious on what are your recommendations for your team. We’re talking about how they could be better at sales, but give some of your thoughts and advice on how maybe they could be more adamant with their self-care. I’m just curious on your ideas on that as a 360 sales leader.

Vince Burruano: I’d like to comment first on the previous question. I think one of the things we need to do as business owners or business leaders is to make sure that we’re checking in with those people. Particularly those who have children and giving them some latitude, not only now but always. I’ve always said that maybe I could have done something else with my career.

But when my son was little, I wanted to be a little league coach, I wanted to be there. I absolutely insist that all the people who work for me, I never want to hear about missing first day of school or a school play or another important event to be at a work meeting. Somebody will take care of that or I’ll go out and do it myself. I think that’s most important because they’re not going to put on my tombstone, “He helped a lot of people move.” That’s not why we’re here.

To answer your other question, I think you have to remember that most of us are going to work to live and not live to work. I think that you have to think about the whole person, and I think people have to do a good job of taking care of themselves particularly right now, and their families. And understand where their priorities are.

Fred Diamond: We have a question that comes in from Gary, “What are your expectations for sales professionals right now?” We talked a lot about the challenges of the business. Give us your expectations. They’re depending on the sales organization to continue to find ways to bring in revenue, to help us accelerate through this. For sales professionals specifically, what are your expectations? Vince, you go first and then Kristina, I’m interested in your thoughts. Sales professionals, what are your expectations?

Vince Burruano: My expectation is that they think of other people as much as they think of themselves. What I mean by that is as the group that’s responsible for driving revenue for the business, everybody else in the organization depends on their best efforts. For us, it’s our crew base. If we’re not out there selling work, they’re not going to get hours which means they’re not going to get a paycheck.

We need to be aware that a group of about 20 of us is responsible for supporting over 200 families. Be smart, be wise and be considerate of your teammates, all your teammates. Understand that you have a bigger responsibility than just to yourself.

Fred Diamond: Kristina, how about you? What are your expectations from sales professionals right now?

Kristina Bouweiri: Obviously with the pandemic, they were not going to meet their normal goals. What I did was I went ahead and paid them a draw based on their income, including commissions from ’19. I’m very grateful that no one left me and decided to get another job. My team has stayed intact.

The other thing I did for all of my office staff is I gave them the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve off because we’re open 24/7 and we can’t normally do that. I thought, there’s a pandemic, I can actually be very generous and give them that week off. That was like my self-care mental health gift to them, that extra week of vacation.

In terms of goals and what I expect my salespeople right now to do is basically just plant the seeds. We’ve been spending this year planting the seeds so that when business comes back, we’re top of mind to all of our clients. We’ve done more this year than we’ve ever done in the past and like JK, I actually brought in a professional and did sales training this year.

My team has never been trained professionally, they got trained. And we signed up for your programs, Fred, and we love them. My team is busy because I’ve given them a lot of projects. They’re doing a lot of deep-dive into our data to try and figure out what is our market share, who has this and who has that. We, as I said, are coming out of this a stronger, faster, smarter company and we’re very excited about our future.

Fred Diamond: Quick comment here from Ginny who works at JK Moving, “Vince definitely cares for and takes great care of his people.” Thank you, Ginny. We also have a nice note here from Martha who says, “Tremendous interview, great ideas,” Also from Richard, “Thank you so much.”

I want to acknowledge Kristina Bouweiri and Vince Burruano. You both have touched tens of thousands of people along the way with the work that your company has done and how you’ve led so many people, especially through a very, very challenging time. You may not know how much respect the both of you get in the industry whenever I bring up your names – and I bring up your names not infrequently – to provide a nice touch with the Institute for Excellence in Sales.

If you want to know more about Kristina’s background and Vince’s background, they both have been guests on the Sales Game Changers podcast. Go to salesgamechangerspodcsat.com to learn a little more about them.

I want to ask you both for your final action steps. People know that we end all of our Sales Game Changers podcasts and webcasts with an action step. Give us something specifically people can do right now to take their sales career to the next level. Kristina, why don’t you go first?

Kristina Bouweiri: I have two tips. The first one is to definitely subscribe to the Washington Business Journal or the business journal in your market. To me, this is my business bible. I read it every week and there’s just so much information in here. You can write personal letters to people. When I say letters, I mean letters and not emails because emails these days are just stuck in spam blockers. Send personal letters, reach out to these people on LinkedIn.

In the back of the magazine, there’s a place called People on the Move. Those are people that are very successful that just got promoted. Send them a $50 gift card and your business card. Do you know how many people get back to me and say, “Thanks for the gift card and thanks for reaching out.” Don’t forget the Washington Business Journal Book of Lists. Every lead you could possibly imagine is in here, that’s how we were able to diversify our markets.

My last tip would be if you don’t know how to use LinkedIn to get to know people and get through to people, you need to take a class. That’s all for me.

Fred Diamond: Vince Burruano, why don’t you bring us home? Give us one final action step for people to take right now.

Vince Burruano: One of the most important things to do is to go back and not be afraid of using the phone to reach out and call people. Whether they’re customers, they’re connections, they’re friends, they’re people you haven’t talked to in a long time, set time aside every day. To Kristina’s point, follow up on LinkedIn. Send handwritten notes, express your empathy and the fact that you genuinely care and all these things will repay themselves. You’ll not only feel better but you’ll make these people feel better too that somebody cared enough to reach out to them.

Fred Diamond: Kristina Bouweiri and Vince Burruano, thank you both so much. For all of our listeners to the Sales Game Changers podcasts and webcasts, thank you all so much as well.

Transcribed by Mariana Badillo

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