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[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a replay of the Optimal Sales Mindset Webinar sponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Sales on April 1, 2021. It featured best-selling author and coach Margie Warrell. Purchase her new book, “You’ve Got This.“]
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MARGIE’S TIP FOR EMERGING SALES LEADERS: “Just write down a list right now the names of 10 people that you would love to have a conversation with. Maybe it’s a direct sales conversation, maybe it’s a relationship you’d like to nurture, maybe you’ve been wavering on, “I don’t know if I should.” Just write down your idea list of 10 people that you would really love a conversation with. Then make a point over the next 10 days to reach out to every one of them. The sooner the better, at least one in the next 24 hours and just make that commitment. At the end of the day it’s a little bit of a numbers game here, you’ve got to be in it to win it and you’ve got to risk the rejection. Put that out there. Obviously 100 would be even better, but I’m just trying to go with something that’s doable.”
Fred Diamond: We have the five-time author, Margie Warrell. Margie, here’s the interesting thing. When people ask me what is the #1 common criteria that I think is critical for great salespeople, I always say courage. I’ve interviewed hundreds on the Sales Game Changers podcast and I’ve had thousands of people come to our live events. We’ve had over 15,000 people register for our webinars, we’ve had close to a million downloads of the Sales Game Changers podcast. I tell people it’s courage.
We talk about words like empathy and persistence and resilience and prospecting, but it’s courage. The new book, You’ve Got This. First of all, it’s great to see you. Why don’t you get us introduced? Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you’re focused on now. We’re already beginning to get some questions in and we’ll get to those in a few minutes.
Margie Warrell: First thing, Fred, thanks for having me on. I’m delighted to be back living in your neck of the woods in this part of the world and talking to everyone about courage. Why courage? I probably should just wind back a little bit.
You can tell I’m from the deep, deep South down under. I grew up on a dairy farm in rural Australia, one of seven kids and my horizons didn’t extend much past the back paddock of my parent’s small dairy farm. But I know for me throughout my life, every single worthwhile thing I’ve ever done has required courage.
And as I’ve worked around the world, and I’ve spent much of the last 25 years living in different countries and continents around the world, I found the #1 thing that really stifles people from living at their potential and achieving what they’re capable of achieving and frankly, that causes so many people to be stuck and to suffer in some way is fear. The only way we can ever master our fear is through courageous action, which is easier said than done.
Fred Diamond: You’re going to go over some of your strategies and some of your ideas. On LinkedIn today I did a poll as I do every Thursday, and the question was, “Do you ever sell yourself short?” The first option was, “Never, I’m always in command.” #2 was, “No, I’m fairly confident” but the #3 answer was, “Sometimes, but I don’t like it” and more than 50% of the people have said, “Sometimes, but I don’t like it.”
Margie Warrell: All of us experience doubt and I’ve experienced it countless times daily. It’s whether or not we give the doubt the power to call the shots, and too often we do. Whenever we give our doubt the power to call the shots, it sits in the driver’s seat. We sell ourselves short and we ultimately also short-change the world in some way, shape or form.
Anyone who’s in sales, while I’ve never put myself out there as a sales expert, I absolutely agree with you that the #1 thing we need if we’re going to be awesome and successful in sales is courage. All of the tactics and strategies and negotiation skills, all of those are underpinned by our willingness to take a risk. To risk failure, to risk rejection, to risk coming up short. The more willing we are to take action in the presence of that doubt and fear, the more we dilute the power it has over us and really empower ourselves.
Fred Diamond: When people ask me why that word is so powerful, it’s the courage to ask for the deal, it’s the courage to make a phone call. We spend so much time talking on the Sales Game Changers podcast about things you should be doing. We bring in world-renowned experts like you who tell people, “Pick up the phone and make 10 phone calls this hour” yet I still find people are like, “Uh…” Even myself. I run the Institute for Excellence in Sales, I know I should be making 20 phone calls, physically picking up the phone to make phone calls.
I got a quick question. Why are you so passionate about this? Again, you’ve devoted your career, this is the fifth book, You’ve Got This. Tell us why you’ve made this your life’s calling.
Margie Warrell: Sometimes a calling just grabs you, I feel really called to do what I do. As a speaker, as a coach, as an author, as my own Live Brave podcast in the media, etc. I guess I was raised with a service ethic, big catholic family, Margaret Mary.
I was always raised to feel like you’ve got to use your gifts to help others in some way. And I think sometimes our gifts come from our struggles too. For me, I know the fear of being inadequate, of not being good enough, not being smart enough, educated enough, clever enough, connected enough, pretty enough. All of those things can culminate and hold us back.
I think it was in my 20s when I was dealing with whole other different personal challenges and I realized how much I was terrified of trying to play a bigger game in the world. Because I was so terrified of the exposure, of what if I fall short? What if I’m not good enough? I think having seen other people struggle in different ways and where fear can hold them back, it’s just something I feel called to do.
Fred Diamond: Margie’s also going to give us some tips, her ideas from the book and from her coaching and consulting to help the sales professionals listening here. You’ve consulted and counseled some of the top performers in their fields. I remember actually one of the first things I saw you do was interviewing a rock star from down under. Actually, it was the wife of a rock star, but even still, she was a champion surfer, I’m a big fan of INXS, it was the rhythm guitar player’s wife.
Do people at the highest level also get stuck? Do they also have these fears? I’m not asking this as a pollyannish type of a question, I’m really curious because you’ve dealt with these people. Super achievers have gotten past whatever these blocks are, talk a little bit about that. What’s going on in the minds of the great performers?
Margie Warrell: The person you’re referring to is Layne Beachley who is 7-times world champion surfer. Layne is someone who has spent an enormous amount of time looking within herself. I’ve interviewed her and people can listen to that on my podcast, too. Layne, having met Richard Branson and Bill Marriott, Oliver Stone and so many people who’ve done pretty extraordinary things, whether or not you like them or not is beside the point.
None of them are immune to the negative noises in their head that are like, “If you try this, you’ll fail.” In fact, the more successful we become, the more we have to lose, the more reputation that we’re putting on the line too. I think all of those people are very self-aware and very tuned into their inner narrative. And also, very intentional not to believe everything they tell themselves. To challenge their own thinking if it’s not empowering them, if it’s not expanding what they see is possible and moving them into action and moving forward in the face of failure.
All of them have experienced failure and often we just look at people at the end of their careers and we go, “Well, they were in the right place at the right time, they just happen to be born to the right family or they’ve got something I don’t.” Actually, they’ve all had to weather strings of failures, but what they didn’t do is let the failure or the rejection define them.
Oprah, early on in her TV career she was told she did not have a face for television and she would never have a career in TV. If she had internalized that, we wouldn’t be talking about her [laughs]. I think it’s really important, anyone who’s listening, think about where you’re at. Don’t compare where you’re at now to where someone who has achieved incredible success, just focus in on where is it that you’re getting in your own way by buying into some of these beliefs that aren’t necessarily true.
Fred Diamond: I want to ask you a question about words. The word failure, I’ve seen some people talk about the word failure and it’s a word that I’ve tried to dismiss. Because like you just said, Abe Lincoln, for example, lost like 15 elections in a row and then of course, he became the greatest president – Abe Lincoln, like he’s my friend or something [laughs].
Some of the people that you mention too have had monumental failures. Talk about words, we talk about limiting self-beliefs, talk about some of the words that you suggest people extract. Or does Richard Branson ever use the word failure? Does Oprah ever use the world failure or are they very succinct in the words that they use to ensure that they’re focused?
Margie Warrell: Firstly, they are very intentional in the language that they use because our words create our reality. We live in language, so those people are very mindful of the power of language. They harness linguistics to empower themselves and others. Yes, they absolutely use the word failure but it’s how they frame and relate to failure that’s the most important thing here.
In fact, Martin Seligman who was the founder of positive psychology said you can tell how successful will be not by the number of failures they’ve had or the size of their failures, but how they explain their failure, how they describe failure. I’m sure that everyone listening now has heard that failure is an event, it’s not a person. You get an outcome, it’s positive or negative. You like the outcome or you don’t like the outcome.
So often we internalize it and over-personalize it and over-generalize it and go, “I’m a failure, I’m hopeless at…” I’m hopeless at money, I’m hopeless at relationships, I’m hopeless at sales, I’m hopeless at public speaking, I tried once, it was a disaster. Just recognizing failure isn’t permanent, it’s not personal and don’t over-generalize it, it’s not pervasive in every area.
I think if we can shift our relationship to failure – and when I say failure, I’m including rejection in that too. You are someone, you pitched your wares, you went for the sale, they said no. In a sense, that’s a failure, you didn’t get the result you wanted. But often, we say I’m afraid of failure. Actually, you’re afraid of how you will feel given the way that you process failure, that’s what you’re afraid of. You’re afraid of feeling like a failure.
If you can shift your relationship to the no, to whatever someone’s saying, if you can shift your relationship and say, “You know what? This is all part and parcel of it.” And it’s not like I like failure, it’s not like I’m trying to fail. But if you can accept that that’s going to be inevitable as you move toward your goals and your ambitions, your aspirations, then, “You know what? I failed.”
I know for me, when I was writing books, I’m not so famous that every famous person in the world says, “Yes, I’d love to endorse your book.” I’ve reached out to lots of people and I have had to shift my experience even of people saying, “No, thank you, I don’t want to endorse your book” or, “No, I’m not interested in you doing something that I’d love to do with someone.”
I’ve gone about it going, “If I’m not risking at least 50 rejections on my way to this goal, I’m not trying hard enough. I’m not walking my own talk.” To me, it’s celebrate that I’ve tried versus celebrate that I’ve nailed the outcome.
Fred Diamond: Let’s talk about the past year. Again, obviously the pandemic kicked in. We’ve been doing the Sales Game Changer webinars every single day and at the beginning of 2020, everybody thought 2020 was going to be their best year ever. Here we are, ironically, we’re doing today’s interview live on April 1st, my favorite holiday of the year, April Fool’s Day.
We’re coming out, hopefully, of the past year and we’re emerging. We’re getting past whatever negative things might have happened this past year. A lot of people that we talk to on the Sales Game Changers podcast and webinars had their best year ever over the last 12 months. Maybe they serve government, maybe they serve markets that really needed their solutions. But there’s still a degree to get through.
Talk about some strategies for getting past specifically the past year. Then I want to talk about, you have three steps that people can take specifically to, “You’ve got this” and get past with courage. Talk about the past year and emerging, and then let’s get to your steps.
Margie Warrell: It’s funny, today being April the first, this time a year ago my husband was at hospital with COVID. I was locked in a small apartment in Singapore, there wasn’t any path back to the United States where I had three kids that were living, couch surfing because schools had been closed down. All of my book tours had been cancelled and all of my pipeline had just dried up within the previous two weeks.
Twelve months ago I remember sitting there going, “Holy Toledo, where are we going? What’s happening?” Life was overwhelming. I think some people have had a great year, some people have had massive disruption as I have experience. Then, of course, I moved continent in December.
There’s a concept called post-traumatic growth and I want to touch on it quickly, Fred, because I think we can also transfer that over to post-pandemic growth. None of us get through life without having to deal with some level of adversity or challenge. Yet those things which challenge us the most often force us to look within ourselves for the certainty we can’t find elsewhere.
Whatever your experience is of the last 12 months, just recognizing that adversity introduces us to strengths we often don’t know we have or helped to sharpen them to a whole new level and forces us sometimes to think differently about ourselves, about our lives, about what we can do and what we want. For anyone who’s sitting there going, “I’m still not out the other end of this, my future is still looking massively uncertain” ground yourself in self-certainty.
What are the attributes, the values, the traits that you really want to embody moving forward? Double down on those things that are within your control. While there’s been massive disruption and uncertainty, there is also huge opportunity right now. But we’re only able to seize that when we’re focusing on all the things that we can do, not on what we can’t. And we’re being really proactive and looking around and challenging our own best thinking, our own paradigms and going, “How can I look at this whole situation differently?”
Put yourself in the shoes of you five years from now looking back and going, “What is it that I wished I had been doing in 2021 that would have set me up to just totally take things to another level in 2022?” I would just encourage everybody to really challenge the assumptions that you’re operating under.
Fred Diamond: We have a question that came in here from Melanie, and Melanie said, “Does Margie believe that we can change in an instant?” and that’s an interesting question. I don’t know if you think about that, but we talk about that a lot. We actually had a guest in December, Lisa Peskin, who said touch your finger to your palm right here, and in that moment, you can change your direction.
I’m curious, a little bit off script here but interested in your thoughts. Can we change right now based on all your writing? Then we’ll get into the three steps.
Margie Warrell: Absolutely, yes we can but we mustn’t be naive about it. In any moment we can change, we can shift our focus which is actually one of those three steps. Just shift what you’re focusing on, shift what you’re telling yourself about it and then shift the actions you’re taking.
Just recognize we are habitual creatures. You might choose, “I’m going to be grateful right now” or, “I’m going to be brave.” It doesn’t mean that in five minutes’ time I’m not grumbling and thinking about my problems again or I’m feeling terrified again. We have to choose and rechoose and rechoose, recognizing that wiring in our head, those neural pathways that have taken however long you’ve been alive to form, they don’t just change overnight. You have to continually change what you’re doing and continually monitor your own thinking.
Overtime, you develop new pathways like going for a walk in the forest on a new path. You’ve got to walk over it many times before it really becomes a new path. Yes, we can change in an instant but we have to continually practice that too.
Fred Diamond: Every day I’m doing an interview with somebody like you, a world class author, speaker and on Wednesdays we interview Sales VPs. After every interview at 40 minutes after the hour I’m pumped, I write down some ideas. Then sometimes at 3:00 o’clock I’m like, “I don’t feel like making phone calls” after I just talked to the VP of Sales at a world class company.
I want to talk about your three tips, I know we started to touch on them. Take us through specifically your three steps here. We have some comments coming in here, Karen says, “Thank you so much, this is right on target.” We got a comment from Jeremy, he’s a frequent guest and he says, “I agree with that.”
Talk about the three steps that you talk about in the book and then we’ll have some more questions coming.
Margie Warrell: If anyone’s sitting at your desk and you have a pen and paper in front of you, I encourage you just to draw a Venn diagram with three circles. The first circle is your focus, what’s your intention and what are you putting your attention on? What’s your highest intention?
If you’re in sales, what’s your highest intention for the sale? Not just to earn the money, but you really want to serve your customer, your clients. Get really clear about what your highest intention is, focus on what you can do, control the controllables, focus on the strengths that you bring, not on the things you don’t bring. One, get your focus in the right place, what you focus on expands.
Secondly, this is the narrative. What’s the story? What’s the belief system that you’re operating under? Because obviously mindset is everything. So often we sit here focusing on the negatives and when we have a negativity bias, we internalize failure. I’m hopeless at this, no one will ever buy that, I’ve tried before, this isn’t how we do things around here, the market’s not ready for it, people don’t value me… you name it.
We often leave in these narratives that become self-fulfilling prophecies and the stories we tell ourselves trigger and amplify our emotions and we can get really passionate like you do after talking to someone because you’ve been in this conversation that expands what’s possible. But our stories can also shrink what’s possible and have us living in resentment, doubt, stressed out or blame and that literally actually shrinks our peripheral vision. We can’t think about all the things we could do.
Finally the third circle is around action. Our physiology comes into it here too, what are the actions you’re taking? You have to be willing to get uncomfortable, to really embrace discomfort. Anyone who’s nailing it in sales is always breaking ranks with their comfort zone. They’re constantly risking the rejection, they allow themselves to feel vulnerable. It doesn’t mean they like it, they’re like, “This is just what I need to do.” Successful people do things others don’t and one of those things is regularly exiting their comfort zone. Continually challenging themselves.
If you’re at your best, and for you to achieve what you’re capable of in sales or whatever arena you want to master and be successful in is really when you’re in the intersection of you’ve got your focus that’s really clear, you’ve got a big why, you’ve got an internal narrative that’s really setting you up for success and you’re in action. Because the greatest antidote to fear is action.
Fred Diamond: We have a lot of sales leaders who are listening to the Sales Game Changers podcast watching today or sometime in the future. What would be your advice for sales leaders, some at the VP level who manage people? Because one of the big challenges right now, and it’s pretty much this way in April. If you’re listening to this sometime in the spring or probably even over the summer, you’re probably still working from home.
Most companies that we deal with at the Institute, they’re not sending their people back to the office until we reach a point where immunity or whatever has kicked in. What would be your advice to sales leaders out there who manage either large organizations or large teams to support their people to be more effective and be more courageous?
Margie Warrell: I speak a lot about that, I do a lot of speaking in other times at sales conferences, but right now it’s obviously all virtual. But every leader, their role is to create the conditions for people to do their best work. How do you create the conditions for people to do their best work in a virtual environment? It is more challenging. Making sure everyone is clear about what the big mission critical is, what lays at stake?
Expand the context for people because often people get pulled into a smaller world. A lot of people are living in a smaller context right now because of the nature of this pandemic. Secondly, encourage people to be bold, to take risks. Try and normalize failure normalize loyal dissent, normalize pushing back, normalize trying and not landing the result. Because a leader has to create that sense of psychological safety, you have to be emboldening people to think bigger and to put themselves out there.
Share your own experiences, you don’t nail it every time. Sometimes you fail, sometimes you try and you don’t get it right. When they can see that you’re really role modeling that courage, role modeling the risk taking, role modeling that willingness to be vulnerable, that actually makes it easier for them too. Just sharing sometimes your mistakes along the way, I think the more you can humanize yourself particularly in the current environment, that helps to build the currency of trust. It helps to embolden people and build that sense of psychological safety we know is the #1 predictor of high performing teams.
Fred Diamond: You just used the word vulnerable, and we have a question here, the question comes from MW who obviously want some degree of confidence here. MW says, “How do I tell my boss that I need more support?” That’s been an interesting challenge and we use the word vulnerable, and that’s come up a lot as well.
A lot of the leaders that we’ve interviewed on the Sales Game Changers webinars and podcasts have said that they’ve had to become vulnerable because they’re also going through the same things in a lot of cases. They have kids and they have parents and they’ve been in their house since last March. What is your advice, Margie, for people who maybe are rank and file individual contributors who are still struggling?
The great quote we had about a year ago, Patrick Devlin said we’re all in the same storm but different boats. What are your thoughts on advice to help people get past and have the courage to admit to their leadership that they’re vulnerable?
Margie Warrell: Obviously it does take courage and we aren’t wired to want to be vulnerable. We want to protect ourselves and we want to portray a certain image, and I think that’s where it’s hard. It’s like, “I don’t want people knowing I haven’t got it all together and maybe I’m struggling” but actually, it’s through vulnerability that we access our greatest strength. It’s when we share from a place of vulnerability that we can forge far more meaningful connections with other human beings.
Your boss, they’re feeling a bit vulnerable too and often we think, “No, they’ve got it.” No, they’ve got their own battles. Just recognize we’re all human becomings, all in our boats through this storm. If there’s a conversation, if you are struggling and you need more support, just ground yourself. Take a few big deep breaths, just get yourself really clear.
Set your intention, why does it serve you, your team, your organization for you to share that? Because you’ll all be more successful when you do share that and say, “This is what I would need.” Be specific, be prepared. What is it specifically that you would love support with so that they know how to support you? Because most bosses I speak to, they absolutely want to support they’re people, they’re just really not exactly sure how.
Some people may want support in one form and others don’t want that at all. So you’re really helping them to help you when you can be specific about it. Obviously, framing it in a way that this is going to allow me to ultimately be more successful if I get their support. How is this actually going to support everybody’s goals?
Fred Diamond: We talk about mentoring a lot, we actually talked about it on Tuesday on our Women in Sales program with the great Tamara Greenspan. The question was how do I become a better mentee? And the response was you’ve got to be very specific in what you need. It’s not just like, “Will you be my mentor?” but, “Will you be my mentor to help me grow as a speaker?” or whatever it might be. Same thing here with getting the courage.
We have a couple other questions coming in here, and thanks again for this great insight. You touched on self-trust before and you talk about that a lot in the book. I know you touched on it over the last little bit that we’ve been talking, but can you get a little bit deeper into self-trust? Is it something that people have to learn, is it something that comes natural? What is your insight into the concept of self-trust and how people can implement it to be more successful?
Margie Warrell: Trusting in ourselves, trusting in our innate capacity to deal with life’s challenges and to accomplish what we want is something I think we all have to build over the course of our lives. The longer we live, the more opportunities we’ve had to build it. But also the more opportunities we’ve had, the more experiences we’ve had that can sometimes chip away at that sense of trust.
I always say start small, start exactly where you are right now. To anyone listening, I would just say if you were going to back yourself right now, if you were going to take a leap of faith in your ability to make a change, take a chance, step into maybe a bigger role, put yourself out there in some way, what would you do? Just do the first little thing. Then tomorrow, ask yourself the same thing. If I was going to trust myself that whatever happens, I can handle it, what would I do?
Every day you act on that because courage is a muscle, it’s something that can be learnt and strengthened. Often, we look at some people and go, “It’s all right for them.” But start where you are with what’s right in front of you. Doubt those doubts and defy the doubt. Every time you defy a doubt and take the action, you strengthen, you reaffirm your own capacity and abilities. Actually, you also expand your capacity, you build your competency and you grow your confidence for bigger and bigger things.
Fred Diamond: You’ve given us so many great ideas. I want to talk for a second or two about the concept of peer level networking, peer level coaching on this particular topic. Not necessarily for business referrals, but specifically to help you become a better professional. We look at sports teams and they’re all teams, and the leader helps the team become better.
We talked a little bit about coaching before, but I want to talk a second or two and get your insights because a lot of us are home now. A lot of us aren’t going to offices or to restaurants or to networking events and we’re Zooming, but we’re not getting together in groups for support. What is your advice on peer level support? If I want to get past, if I want to get more courageous not necessarily with a coach or mentee, what’s your advice on getting to be more courageous with peers and people in my network?
Margie Warrell: One is just reach out, be the one who’s willing to reach out. Set up a Zoom cup of tea, Zoom coffee, Zoom wine at 5:00 o’clock on Friday and just say, “Hey, I’d just love to set up some one-on-one time” and dedicate some time to just, “What’s going on for you?” Practicing listening is such a valuable skill as anyone in sales knows. Be the one to reach out first.
I think often people feel awkward, they feel vulnerable. “I don’t know, they’re busy, I don’t want to seem needy or I don’t want to impose.” We’re afraid of how they might react. I’d say let them decide, let them set their own boundaries. Maybe they’ll say no, in which case, don’t make it mean anything but you asked. I would just simply say have the courage to ask.
It comes back to a little bit of what we were talking about before, don’t assume you can read other people’s minds, don’t assume you know what’s going on for other people. People might be incredibly grateful.
I know for me, I moved back to the North Virginia-DC area three or four months ago and I’ve had to reach out to a lot of people being gone a decade and say, “Hi, I’m back, it’d be great to catch up.” Some people catch up in person, some don’t but I think often when we reach out to someone, they’re really grateful that we’ve taken that initiative. So just do it.
Fred Diamond: Jenny said, “Thank you so much for that insight.” I got one more question and then I’m going to ask you for your final action step for today. You just talked about this a little bit, you don’t want to put yourselves in the head of the other person. You’ve mentioned that you’ve interviewed people like Richard Branson and you said that they probably want to talk.
Talk about that for a second, why do we get stuck in putting ourselves in, “Richard Branson never wants to talk to me”? But you did. You got to interview him and talk to him and you’ve interviewed hundreds of other world class performers, entertainers, businesspeople. Talk about that for a second, about their mindset and their willingness to hear from you.
Margie Warrell: Honestly, the most awesome leaders are incredibly down to earth, genuine, unpretentious, curious people. Richard Branson actually was awesome, just so curious and so genuine. As have most been, there’s a few exceptions. You give away your power when you get intimidated by people.
I always say people aren’t intimidating, it’s just that you’re letting them intimidate you because you’re coming up with a story about what they’re thinking that you don’t even know is true. I know sometimes people come up to me and go, “Can I talk to you?” and I’m like, “Sure, I’m just a human being.” [Laughs] so just be careful that you’re not projecting onto other people stories and insecurities that are not true. If maybe someone hasn’t got time to talk to you, at least you’ve asked. Don’t make it mean anything.
Fred Diamond: Don’t make it mean anything, everything is about meaning. Before I ask you for your final action step, I just want to acknowledge you for all the great work you’ve done for so many not just sales professionals and business leaders. You’ve helped so many people take their careers to the next level. Daniela says, “Outstanding.”
I had one of your books on my nightstand and my spouse, I didn’t even realize it, she goes, “Oh, I love her so much, I get her emails.” You’ve touched so many people and help them get past their blocks and get past what’s holding them back. I just want to acknowledge you personally, Margie Warrell, for all that great work that you’ve done for people around the globe, so thank you.
Bring it home for us. Again, you’ve given us so many great ideas today, you’ve given us at least 30 things to do right now. Give us one final action step that our viewers or listeners should do right now to take their sales career to the next level.
Margie Warrell: Just write down on a list right now the names of 10 people that you would love to have a conversation with. Maybe it’s a direct sales conversation, maybe it’s a relationship you’d like to nurture, maybe you’ve been wavering on, “I don’t know if I should.” Just write down your idea list of 10 people that you would really love a conversation with. Then make a point over the next 10 days to reach out to every one of them.
I’m mindful that we’re talking on the eve of Easter and some people may be heading away, don’t care, just reach out anyway. The sooner the better, at least one in the next 24 hours and just make that commitment. At the end of the day it’s a little bit of a numbers game here, you’ve got to be in it to win it and you’ve got to risk the rejection. Put that out there. Obviously 100 would be even better, but I’m just trying to go with something that’s doable.
Transcribed by Mariana Badillo