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[EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a replay of the SALES GAME CHANGERS LIVE Webinar sponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Sales on March 10, 2021. It featured Gary Milwit of JG Wentworth. JG Wentworth is an IES Premier Sales Employer.]
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GARY’S TIP FOR EMERGING SALES LEADERS: “Visualize your customer with a big sign on their chest that says, “Make me feel important.” If you can do that, then you’re going to make them feel important and that’s where you’ll win. If you can visualize someone that has a big sign on their chest that says, “Make me feel important today”, how can you go wrong?”
Fred Diamond: Gary Milwit, it’s great to see you. JG Wentworth, why don’t you tell us briefly what you do and tell us how things are going right now.
Gary Milwit: JG Wentworth, a lot of people will know us from the ads on TV, 877-Cash Now. We have two lines of business really, the first line is we buy future payment streams from structured settlements, lottery wins, casino jackpot prizes, anything that comes in the form of an annuity, payments over time. We buy them directly with consumers, so our salespeople are helping consumers meet their financial needs now by selling future payments later.
Our second line of business is fairly new for us, we started in December 2019 a debt settlement business. We help consumers who have maxed-out credit cards or are having some hardship where they can’t pay their credit cards, we go negotiate those down for them with the creditors directly and that business is taking off and it’s a big growth for the whole company, it’s exciting.
Fred Diamond: I know the last 12 months have been quite interesting, from a sales perspective you’re responsible for bringing on the new reps and getting them onboarded and getting them up to speed. Tell us a little bit about that, tell us about how things are going right now from a sales leadership perspective.
Gary Milwit: That’s a great question. It’s been going the same for about 12 months, we’ve figured out that not only do you have to onboard virtually, but we can onboard virtually at scale. We bring in about 20 to 25 sales reps every month and we’ve been doing it since last January, but we’ve been remote since March. We have a full schedule, we have me, a Director of Training and a Manager of Training and the three of us, along with an Instructional Design Director will craft a three-week onboarding program for every new hire for the sales teams. We have to train them, we have to teach them first and then we train and then we transition them to the sales floor in their respective divisions. We do it for every single salesperson that’s coming in.
Most of our salespeople are out of college and we give them enough to make them sales-ready. If they can’t get sales-ready, they can’t graduate from onboarding. That’s what we’ve been doing, it’s a very regimented, very technology-oriented onboarding program and it works inside the office or outside the office. We have three different locations, two in Pennsylvania and one in Rockville, Maryland and we can do it from anywhere.
Fred Diamond: We’ve got some questions coming in here, people want to be talking to the great Gary Milwit and really tap into his brain. I’m going to ask you one question, this is a challenge that we’ve heard and you’re a sales manager training kind of a guy, too. People aren’t on the floor anymore, when people are on the floor you can grab them, you can go into a conference room, you can go to the whiteboard and, “Let’s keep talking over lunch.” Now everybody for right now and for the last year is sitting in their basement or apartment, kitchen table, wherever it might be, you can’t do all those things. Talk about how you guys have overcome that challenge of not being able to just grab young people – you said you bring in a lot of young people. They need to be taught and spoken to and instructed, I’m just curious how you’ve dealt with that particular challenge. It’s a big one that we’ve heard from a lot of our guests.
Gary Milwit: It’s a big one, Fred, and we’re dealing with it. I wouldn’t say we’ve dealt with it, I would tell you that it’s evolving and the issues evolve as we send more people back to the office where you now have a hybrid routine, where some people are in the office and some people aren’t in the office. What we do in onboarding is we make sure that every 45 minutes to an hour we are with the class that we’re teaching, we don’t let people go. If you’re on the phones for 45 minutes, we’ll get back to you and we want to debrief because you need the human contact.
What we found is when you’re on the sales floor, you’re talking to your managers, talking to your leaders about the deal, and if you’re not on a deal, you’re not talking to your manager. The problem with that is you’re not on deals all the time in sales so it’s out of sight, out of mind, you’ve got to force it. What we’ve found and what we’re really doing research on now, trying different things, force the meetings and let the conversations start to happen because you’re not going to walk by anybody. You’ve got to actually get to a meeting and then just talk because that’s the only way you can build rapport with people and know who they are.
Fred Diamond: We have a lot of young people watching today’s webinar, we have a lot of young people who are in their first or second sales job. You just mentioned you’ve got to force the conversation, give us some of your advice for the younger sales professional, maybe their first, second or even third job out of school if they’re struggling. Now, of course, spring is happening, days are getting longer, they don’t have to be staying in their apartment all day but what is your advice for the young sales professional on how to force that issue with their manager? Give us some ideas on what they should be talking about and how they should be letting people know they need some help.
Gary Milwit: First and foremost, manage up. Everything that you’re going to do in the course of the day, your manager should know about it. Keep your calendar up to date, everything should be on Outlook, you should block off time that you’re going to be making outbound calls, you should get things checked, you should make sure that your manager knows exactly what list you’re going to call, who you’re going to call and it’s not to micromanage you, it’s so that they know what you’re doing and if they have a problem or they have a question about it, they’ll call you. That way, you’re in front of it so you’re never getting managed, you’re managing the manager.
We call it manage up, manage your manager. If you do those things, then you’re not going to have someone questioning what it is that you do all day when you’re not hot. When you get hot, no one cares. If you’re not hot, everyone wonders what you’re doing and then every manager will go to that metric that no one wants to hear about, and that’s call volume. A veteran sales rep knows that call volume doesn’t matter as much as the quality of the call that you have but you’ve got to have quality calls, so you’ve got to make sure that the manager knows.
Fred Diamond: We’ve got a good question here that just came in from Bryan, “Gary, how do you maintain corporate culture with new hires that have been onboarded in a remote setting?” That’s an interesting question. Again, JG Wentworth is an IES Premier Sales Employer, congratulations. One of the questions that we asked was, “Talk about your work environment.” Is it a fun place? Is it a motivating place? You guys had a tremendous work environment when everything was live and everybody was in the office, but you just mentioned you’ve hired a whole bunch of salespeople and you’ve hired them over Zoom or whatever it might be. How do you maintain that culture?
Gary Milwit: It’s such an awesome question, I wish I had a great answer for you. You can’t replicate what you don’t have, so you can’t force that. If you have a culture where people are fly-by and conversational, the only thing that you can do is try to make sure that you have the ability to have conversations with people. That requires finishing the day up, maybe having a drink with your team or just having a conversation, does anyone have any talent where you can have someone play the guitar, sing or something like that? These things that we do during onboarding just to get to know everyone because what we have to do is we take an onboarding class and in three weeks, our goal is that they’ll have connections with themselves. They’ll learn about themselves, they’ll have at least some people they can walk with at the sales floor.
Then we have to coach them every week so when they get to the sales floor, we still coach them every week from onboarding and we transition out. Right now we’ve got eight different sessions that go on every week at different days, different people are signed up for five weeks just to keep people hopping so they have different contents. You’ve got to get them off the floor and take breaks.
Fred Diamond: You mentioned you get to know people and you’ve been in sales leadership for a long time, you’ve worked for some great companies, you’ve achieved some great things. Let’s talk about that for a second, how are you telling your salespeople to engage in get-to-know conversations with customers? I’ll give you an example. Tomorrow on the Sales Game Changers webinars and our Optimal Sales Mindset we’re talking to Howard Brown from ringDNA just about empathetic conversations. Empathy basically means being able to put yourself in their shoes. How much are you telling your people to talk about, with their prospects or customers, what’s going on today? It’s interesting for you guys because you’re dealing with that as what you sell, so you probably at some level automatically get to the heart of the challenge. Talk a little bit about those levels versus straight, “Here’s the features, benefits, how can I help you today?” type of a thing.
Gary Milwit: The first thing that we’ll teach in onboarding and then it goes on to coaching, and I think I’ve been doing it for 15 years, it doesn’t matter how veteran you are, it’s a repetitive issue. One thing is that your sales goal is always to close, that’s not the goal of the customer in the first call, you’re not calling someone when their goal is for you to close them, so your goal has to be put in the back pocket for a little while. In fact, your goals don’t actually align until you start coming up with solutions to the problems. The #1 thing is to engage and there’s only a few ways you can engage, there’s three that I know of. That’s familiarity, they actually know who you are as a person, you could take yourself out of sales for a minute and just put it in any situation. Curiosity, can I make you curious enough that you want to stay on the line with me or call me back? Then greed, what’s in it for the person on the other end of that phone? Your objective has to be to engage, period. Objectives can change, but your first one is to engage so you have to come up with a compelling reason why somebody else should be talking to you, not why you need to be talking to them.
Fred Diamond: I’m curious, though, are you encouraging your people to ask your customers or prospects, “How are you doing right now?”? Again, we’re doing today’s show in March, if you’re listening to this as a Sales Game Changers podcast in the future with Gary Milwit, thank you so much. We have thousands of listeners around the globe, so somebody’s probably listening to this way into the future. Go back and listen to our initial interview with Gary, Episode #22.
Are you encouraging people to ask those types of questions? “How are you doing?” or, “How’s your family doing?” People are getting vaccinated, people are sort of beginning to do things but we’re still in the middle of a pandemic.
Gary Milwit: Fred, you hit it on the head but you probably didn’t realize you did it. You have to build rapport with people and there’s three questions you can ask on building rapport, “How?”, “Why?” and, “Can you tell me more about that?” So, “How are you doing?” checks the box, but you have to wait for the answer and that’s the key. Most people go, “Hey, Fred. How are you doing?” “I’m fine, good, how are you?” “Thanks for asking, here’s my pitch.” It’s got to be, “I’m fine, tell me more about that. It’s a pandemic, are you really doing fine?” You have to stay in that moment, stay in there, figure out what’s really going on. It can be fun, it can be challenging but, “How are you?” matters and it is a differentiator out of the gates. If you can actually stay in that moment, you’ve just differentiated yourself from 99% of everybody else who calls you on the phone.
Fred Diamond: We’ve got some more great questions coming in here and I’m going to guess Brian must be a fan of yours. Brian has another question for Gary, “Gary, what are some other creative ways sales reps can build rapport that you are making in a virtual world?” Again, we see body language in face-to-face and when we meet people, we see other things, we see how they move, we see how they respond. In the virtual world it’s this rectangle that everybody’s watching you and I from. What might be some other suggestions for you on building rapport?
Gary Milwit: My opinion? There’s only three things you can do to build rapport and that’s ask the three questions, how, why and can you tell me more. You can do it on the phone, you can do it in a bar, you can do it online, you can do it in a video conference, it doesn’t matter. If you put those three questions together six different times, six different ways – it doesn’t have to be in any order, it doesn’t matter which one’s more important, any combination or just one – six times is the magic number before you start talking about the deal.
You don’t have to answer it, you don’t have to connect to it, you just have to know and you’re going to get there. Anytime you’re curious, “Can you tell me more about that?” is your safety net. You don’t have to script a call, you don’t have to think about any question after whatever the person is saying, just put it on your computer. “Can you tell me more about…” and fill it in for whatever you wrote down in your notes and you will have that safety net for the rest of your career. That’s the best advice I can give.
Fred Diamond: That’s fantastic advice. Do you know Rob Jolles? He was our guest last Friday on technique and his example of, “Can you tell me more?” is, “And…?” Similar type of thing. I want to ask you a follow-up question to that. You made a good point, a lot of times we tell people, “You need to ask those questions and you need to sit back and listen to the response as compared to, “That’s great. Let me tell you about our new thing right now” like you almost checked off the box, “Okay, I asked how are you.” Give us some of your advice, Gary, on how people can be a better listener. That seems to be my most ubiquitous question on the Sales Game Changers webinars and podcasts because sales leaders like you always say you’ve got to be a better listener. Give us some of your advice for the people watching and listening today how they can become a better listener.
Gary Milwit: #1, you have to take notes. If you’re not a note-taker, you’re not really listening, you’re really hearing and everyone can hear, everyone’s got two ears that can hear. Hearing is a tool, listening is a skill, that’s a big difference. To listen, you have to take notes, you have to repeat those notes, you have to make sure that you’ve got the right stuff down. It shows the customer that you’re interested, not interesting. Just take the note, write it down and review it. Just because you write it down doesn’t mean you’re going to remember it, but you need to review it and use those notes.
By the way, when you get your customer to start taking notes and you’re taking notes, you now have an interactive conversation and now you know that you have a chance that somebody’s going to remember what the heck you’re talking about. Otherwise, everyone’s going to go, “Yeah, got it, right, exactly, that sounds interesting” or, “I’m not interested.” Any of those things can come up, but what you need to do, Fred, is if you’re on the phone, listen for the keywords from your customer. “Right, yes, got it, exactly.” All those are keywords for, “I’m done listening to you.” Time for me to stop.
Fred Diamond: I’ve got a quick follow-up on taking notes. Do you recommend people physically old-school write it down in a journal or a book or are you okay with people taking notes in the CRM system? I’m just curious on how you teach people that.
Gary Milwit: There’s no right answer here, I can tell you what I use. I use three different things, I use the regular old-school spiral notebook, I also have a whiteboard that’s a piece of tape, it’s on my desk, it’s made by a company called Rocketbook, it’s got things you can just take a picture of when you’re done and it goes right to your computer. I also have a Rocketbook notebook which is when you’re done with it, you just take a picture of it and it goes right to your computer and it reads your handwriting. I have new-school stuff and old-school stuff, it doesn’t matter. I can write on sticky notes, I can write on my hand, as long as you’re writing something your brain will know that you’re listening.
Fred Diamond: Gary, I want to be talking a little bit about what the top performers are doing. One of the challenges that we’ve seen over the last year is a lot of reps in the middle have been flushed because they’re not bringing the value to the customer. We’re seeing sales professionals rise up and we’ve been using the word ‘elite’ a lot. I’m curious, what are you seeing elite sales professionals and elite sales leaders doing right now?
Gary Milwit: Listening, taking their time, prospecting better, staying ahead of the curve, going back to customers that they’ve already had earlier in the process to start talking about how they’re doing and then start to build that book before they really need something. It’s when they want something that matters, outbound prospecting is about a want, not a need. When you outbound prospect, what you have to do – because you can’t do anything else but outbound if you have nothing else going on – the outbound prospect is going to automatically say, “I’m not interested” or, “I’m good with my other vendor” or whatever.
You’ve got to anticipate that’s going to happen, you’re not calling about that. You’re calling to find out what things that they want they haven’t been able to put on the radar yet, can you get involved? To do that requires you to engage and just have conversation because you’re bringing something else to the table that they didn’t think about. You have to be ready to anticipate. The elite people can anticipate the, “I’m not interested” and move those to, “That’s a normal objection, let’s get through that and get to the next 30 seconds of this call.” Because once you get past the first two minutes, you’re good.
Fred Diamond: I’ve got a question here from Bryan, Bryan asks about LinkedIn. I’m curious, in your world do you encourage your salespeople to use LinkedIn? If so, how do you encourage them to do it? One of the things that’s happened during the pandemic is a lot of people have discovered LinkedIn and they’ve used it for prospecting, but it’s been horrible, a lot of the prospecting.
Gary Milwit: It’s awful.
Fred Diamond: It’s horrible, “Hey, Gary. Love to connect with you.” Sure, I’ll accept. “Hey, I offer blah, blah, blah” and it’s the connect, pitch. We call it connect, pitch and block. You connect, that’s fine, you pitch me, I’m going to block you. Give us some of your insights in how the younger sales professionals should be using LinkedIn.
Gary Milwit: That doesn’t fit with my current group because their clientele, for the most part, you’re not going to get to them through LinkedIn. However, people get to me through LinkedIn so I can come from the consumer point talking to vendors all the time and then giving other people my take from the other side. That is, why do people think that LinkedIn is exactly the same as making a bad phone call which is, “How are you? I’d like to meet you” and then, “Here’s my pitch”? What you just talked about. “How are you?” Do you really care? Do you really want my connection or do you really want me for something? The person that sends me that note after they ask to connect is not getting a callback.
I probably have – and I’m not exaggerating – 500 emails from people that I’m not calling back under any condition because that’s not why they told me they wanted to connect so they’ve lost credit. If they want to connect with me, they want to learn something or they want to look at what we do, they can call later, they can come back in a week or so but not right away. It’s just bad form.
Fred Diamond: I agree with you. We have a question here from Marty, Marty is in south Jersey. Marty says, “Gary, what’s been a big surprise that’s come out of the last 12 months that will continue once the pandemic ends?” We talked in the beginning about everybody’s remote, of course, but a lot of people want to get back and as a sales leader, it makes it so much easier to have the people accessible to you. Even people who have historically been remote, they would still come to the office and maybe once a quarter, once a week, once a month for whatever the reasons might be to build those relationships. I’m just curious, for you looking back, what’s been a positive thing that has happened over the last year that may instantiate itself moving on?
Gary Milwit: We opened up a complete remote-only group in the west coast. We have remote managers, we have a VP of Marketing that’s remote, we have 15 salespeople that we would have never had pre-pandemic. When everyone’s remote and you manage it hard and you do what you’re supposed to do like you’re in the office and you try to use different technologies to get there, you can do the job. I think that’s a big surprise, not that I didn’t think it could be done, it’s a surprise it got done so quickly and a lot of companies did it.
We had three people working remote in March of last year and now we have teams that are never going to come to the office, they’re on the west coast and they’ve adapted to the east coast mentality a little bit. We have one manager in Oregon who’s managing people in California, it’s a west coast mentality in that they start at west coast time and we’ve failed, the industry has failed in opening up west coast offices but not remotely, we actually have had success.
Fred Diamond: I’ve got a quick question for you. When we were starting and growing the Institute for Excellence in Sales, a lot of people in the DC area said, “You’ve got to meet Gary Milwit.” We got to know you and you became an IES award winner a couple times. What is it about sales that you’re enjoying right now? I wasn’t planning on asking that question, but whenever I talk to you, you feel how much of a motivator you are and how much you care about the salespeople on your team and having them be successful. I’m just curious, what is it about sales right now that really gives you enjoyment?
Gary Milwit: It’s an underrated profession not from the money perspective, but no one goes to college, really – and they might say they do, but they don’t. We get people that come from all different walks, they have marketing degrees, they have English degrees, they’ve got dance degrees. One of our best trainers who works for me, she was a dance major, it’s awesome. There’s all kinds of different people, very eclectic and reality is what we teach in sales and what we do in sales just transfers to any human, it’s just fun to know how to work with humans and the challenges of all that. I was a teacher, don’t forget, Fred.
Fred Diamond: That’s right, 10 years.
Gary Milwit: Football coach and I’m doing that again and I’ve never taken that mentality out of it. I’m a coach, that’s what I do and the people matter. People that are motivated to do good at work are coachable, that’s the bottom line.
Fred Diamond: Speaking about being coachable, what are sales reps doing wrong? What are you frequently seeing time and time again that people may be doing wrong, even people who are successful?
Gary Milwit: People skip steps to sales process all the time, they jump to the end as we’ve been talking about. They don’t like training, there’s a negative connotation to training and practice, we know, if you’re an athlete, practice sucks. No one wants to practice, it just sucks, you want to play the games. Sale is the ultimate game but the ultimate gamer needs practice. Some of the challenges are for everyone to get in there and practice. If you’re an NBA basketball player, you’re in the layup line every day until you retire from the NBA. If you’re a football player, you’re every day stand start. Sales, you do training for two days and you’re done, for your whole career in some cases, you read a couple books. We’ve got to get back to practicing, listening, recording calls, the basics, that’s where we have a hard time.
Fred Diamond: One of the things that we’ve learned over the last year is that there was a time when obviously no transactions were happening last spring and even for some industries, there are still no transactions because they’re not quite back yet or whatever has happened, has happened. We realized that if you’re a sales professional, you’re a professional. Like you said, if you’re an NBA player, you better be in the gym if the season’s over or working on a hundred free throws a day or working on your mindset, whatever it might be. Give us some of your ideas, some of your advice. When the rep closes down the computer at 5:30, let’s just say they do that, what should they be doing at night? What are some things that the elite sales professionals are working on when they aren’t working to truly take their sales career to the next level? You mentioned listening to your calls so talk about a couple things that they should be doing after hours on their own time to take their career to the next level.
Gary Milwit: Sales Game Changers podcast would be top of the list, that’s #1. Find the ones you like, you don’t have to listen to all of them. I like to actually print the transcripts and look at the transcripts, I like to read it. I like to read books, if you want videos just go to YouTube and search anything, you want to search prospecting? Not one of us is telling anyone something today, tomorrow or down in the future or in the past that somebody else hasn’t already thought about, it’s out there. I’m not going to write a book, I thought I could write a book before Google came around, then I searched what I’m doing and everybody else is doing the same thing. Everything that we want is out there for your taking, don’t wait for people to come to you and tell you about it because they might not know or they might think you know, so go to YouTube, go to Google, go listen to podcasts, go read books and just pick the ones you like. If you don’t like them, chuck them, who cares? No one’s monitoring you.
Fred Diamond: How have you changed, Gary, over the last year? I’m just curious. I asked you this question back in May when you were on the webcast.
Gary Milwit: I’m just a little older.
Fred Diamond: A little bit older. Have you changed your perspective on coaching or have you changed how you interact with people? I’m just curious.
Gary Milwit: We just talked about this with one of my managers two days ago. When you get older or more experienced, sometimes you mistake that for getting softer. You’re not really getting softer, you actually can see things from a different perspective. When you see things from a different perspective, then you can react in a different way or you can let things play out. When you’re in the grind and when you’re on the sales floor, you see things coming right at you and you react. The people that are hard asses like the old-school guys, they’re just reacting because that’s what they have to do. With more experience should come better vantage points and when you have better vantage points, you can see things from different angles. When you see things from different angles you’re not softer, you’re smarter, don’t mistake the two. That’s how I’ve changed.
Fred Diamond: What are your expectations for sales professionals right now? You made a really interesting point. A lot of times now since you’re not in the office and we can’t see you, you’re on your own. What are your expectations of seasoned sales professionals, people who’ve been in sales for 20 years, maybe more? And what are your expectations for people who are in their first couple years of sales?
Gary Milwit: My expectations are the same. You said it three times in this quick little intro, professional, you’ve got to be a professional. In order to be a professional, you have to practice. You can’t be a guru, in every other culture, a guru is like a witch doctor. You’ve got to be practiced, you’ve got to be sound with your logic and you’ve got to put yourself in the position of the customer. In order to do that, you have to do it with vigor and with focus and you can’t do what you’ve always done, when it’s not working, change. That’s what I expect out of everyone.
Fred Diamond: Gary, before I ask you for your final action item for today, I’m just curious. You mentioned a lot of times one of the things that people are doing wrong is that they’re jumping ahead of the steps, they’re not going through the process the way they should be and then they get slammed at the end. I hate talking about hacks because I don’t believe in them, but are there any secrets that have been part of your success? I might have asked you that question when we originally had you on the audio podcast, but is there any other secret sauce that you’ve seen over the years that you’ve gone to, to help you grow your team or to help you succeed?
Gary Milwit: This is what I’m starting to use now, I just thought about it not too long ago. I don’t take credit for this because I don’t know where I got it from, but visualize your customer with a big sign on their chest that says, “Make me feel important.” If you can do that, then you’re going to make them feel important and that’s where you’ll win. My job is to give you more opportunities, Fred, I’m not going to tell you you’re going to win more deals by listening to me, but you’ll have more opportunities. It’s up to the sales rep that’s a professional to take advantage of the opportunities. If you can visualize someone that has a big sign on their chest that says, “Make me feel important today”, how can you go wrong?
Fred Diamond: Gary, that is such an amazing point and I’ll tell you why. So frequently we talk about things like a great sales call is the one where the customer does 95% of the talking, or put yourself in the customer’s shoes, that is probably the best image I’ve seen or heard of so far since we’ve been doing over 350 Sales Game Changers podcast episodes. Look at your customer saying, “How can you make me feel important?” That was worth the price of admission.
Gary Milwit, I want to thank you again, I want to congratulate JG Wentworth, you’re an IES Premier Sales employer for two years running, 2019, 2021. You’ve also won some of our sales excellence awards back in the day so congratulations on that. As I told you before, you’ve impacted tens of thousands of sales professionals along the way and helped them take their sales careers to the next level. We get 3,500 people who listen to every episode, you’ve been on the show three times, so there’s your 10,000 right there [laughs].
Gary, we’re getting some notes here. Brian says, “Thank you so much.” Neil says, “Gary, thank you.” Cherie says, “Great information today.” Louisa says, “Thank you so much, Gary.” Gary, give us one action step, something that people if they’re listening to the podcast in the future must do today or right now if they’re listening to the webinar. Something they must do right now to take their sales career to the next level.
Gary Milwit: When you’re talking to somebody on the phone you have to smile and it has to be genuine because it’s the only nonverbal piece that anyone can see without seeing it. Genuinely smile, make somebody laugh, chuckle, whatever it is, it will make your brain relax and the conversation will flow. Smile, have a good time with it.
Fred Diamond: Gary Milwit, once again, thank you so much and thank you to Cox Business for being the sponsor of today’s Sales Game Changers podcast.
Gary Milwit: Thank you, Fred, it was wonderful. Thanks, everyone.
Transcribed by Mariana Badillo